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TGF Financial statement

It is not our job to tell you which investment vehicle is better than the other.

We at the greatness Finance/Family believe in having many streams of income, it is dangerous to have just a single stream of income.

So we are not going to tell you what/which investment or business is the best.

You could be an expert in the crypto space and be clueless about Real estate or affiliate marketing or franchise etc.

It is the degree of information you have that makes you known for your ability in any given field you are in. (What you know yesterday is obsolete)...

THEGREATNESSFINANCE focuses on bringing many investment vehicles and business models to humanity.

We have information, products, services, and educators in different areas.

Our most talked about topics are MONEY, WEALTH and related topics that are Sharia-compliant...

Financial education is understanding that it is not the money you are making that matters, it is WHO YOU ARE/HAVE BECOME that matters most.

Your understanding of money and personal financial statement is more important than the money you're making.

You can be making MILLIONS and someone else currently making thousands can be free financially than you might imagine.

The difference is not much about the currency, it is more of WHO THEY both ARE and their understanding of finances that matter..

CASH FLOW: how money flows in and out of their pockets:- wallets, bank, etc, how they spend and make money, the kind of things that they spend their money on, the kind of business and investment or Job that give them money does not matter,

But what they do with the money matters most.


When you have freedom, you can do more.

Creativity sets in.

ONE is TRAPPED:- in lack of knowledge/information and that has made him trapped in illusion somehow, this one's future is not being built on a solid foundation...

CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT: How to manage your CASH FLOW because you don't avoid money nor do you attach it to your heart, you have to manage it, its scope is bigger than this statement but that is part of what we'll be bringing from TGF.

Just like Robert Kiyosaki said in his book, Rich Dad poor Dad, he said,

ASSET is putting money into your pocket...

LIABILITY is taking money from your pocket...

EXPENSES and INCOME, All these things are what define a personal financial statement...

and there are many types of income and understanding the difference will put you in a better position...


This is a topic that millions of business owners do not understand the difference...

Even if you understand ASSET/BUSINESS, But if you do not understand the difference between CASH FLOW and CAPITAL GAINS...

It will be hard or near impossible to be wealthy regardless of how much you are making let alone to manage and maintain your wealth and in this case, if you live long enough, such wealth will not last ...

When you understand true CASH FLOW And CASH FLOW MANAGEMENT, you know it's fundamental to wealth creation and management...

Once you understand CASH FLOW, you would know the kind of ASSETS you want to acquire,

An asset is such a great thing to have but understanding different types of asset classes and understanding each asset class has its income type as well.

CAPITAL GAINS:- this type of investment needs your attention before profits can be made.

This is the type of transaction when you are buying to make a profit when you want to sell.

So let's say you buy a luxurious duplex to flip to make profits.

You do not make profits unless you sell.


CASH FLOW:- on the other hand, when buying this type of asset, it gives you a constant income, daily, weekly monthly, bi-annually, or annually but you do not have to sell the investment business to generate income and the beautiful part is, you have your asset and it's giving you income without having to sell the investment.

This type of investment or business can be in Real estate rental properties or business, like the Crypto business we offer.

Crypto business is an investment turned into business within the crypto space, it is about starting a growth-guaranteed business with your smartphone.

The beautiful part is, that you do not have to market anything to anyone or any beautiful stress that comes with the traditional business model...

Just by working 30 minutes daily with your phone and internet connection and a pen 🖋️ and paper 📜...

Click this link to get Crypto business ...

Crypto business educates you on the topic discussed above