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Hello family, thegreatnessfinance launched a few episodes couple of weeks back, and these episodes are important to listen to because it talks about something essential for a good living, rich and poor, old and young, male and female. All of us need money for as long as we exist, in some cases even after we are not here anymore...

The episodes talk about what money is,

And what currency is...

Most of us can't differentiate between money and currency...

Currency represents money but money is just an idea 💡 created and invented in the mind...

Money is an emotional subject, it is just an emotion like our feelings and other subjects related like sex fear and addiction...

It is something that needs to be properly addressed.

Money itself isn't a bad thing, just like anger 🤬 itself isn't bad but its outcome could be.

When you are angry, then you use that anger to hit the gym, it's a good thing.

But if you punch your wife because you're angry then that's stupidity.

If you help society with your money that's a good thing but if you assist in evil things then that's evil and devilish...

We have to understand money regardless of our status in life because money is part of us, it is something that is in us, it is created by God to be part of us...

Money is the mind, the mind is the money...

That's why financial education is now more important than ever.

Just like I would always say before we had streams (water and crops (food) but now we are in the city age where it costs money to do anything and everything.

We need money now more than ever and financial education is so important, if you go to school or not, you need to be educated about money so you don't spend the rest of your life working for currency when money can be working for you and live your life. The money supports life...

Click this to listen to TGF on Anchor Fm

Click this to listen to TGF on Spotify