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Happy Birthday Daddy

Some may call you Tanny or even Morgan. Others may call you Grandaddy, Pops, or Papa. Many call you Old School. I have the pleasure of calling you Daddy (and occasionally Peanut). Let me tell you a little something about him.

My daddy was born March 13, 1950 as the fifth of eighteen children in Huger, SC. He grew up poor and according to him, never imagined his life being the way it is. My daddy is the Family Historian. He can tell a great story and will let you know a thing or two about our family tree. My daddy NEVER and I mean NEVER meets a stranger. No matter what county or state (and country) we're in, he'll run into somebody he knows. He never forgets a face.

My daddy has many talents. He's the best cook I know but don't ask him to bake a thing besides cornbread. He taught me how to treat people - to always be kind and treat others with respect even if they don't show you the same. He taught me how to receive love and to never stay in any situation where my love is not returned. He taught me the value of family. He also taught me that no matter what you're faced with, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to. He can draw very well. He was a great athlete and was one of the first black basketball recruits at the University of Kentucky. He also loves Westerns and playing his numbers.

On this 72nd birthday I want everyone to wish my daddy, the best daddy ever, a wonderful and happy birthday. My prayer is that my old man sees beyond a century. My prayer is that he continues to impact young men and women the way he has impacted me, my brothers, and so many others. My prayer is that everyone has a father figure like my dad. My daddy is a man who will never say no and will always give his last to those who need it. He has the biggest heart of anyone I know. My prayer is he continues to live a long, healthy life.

I look forward to our morning and night cups of coffee every day. My daddy calls me at 10:30pm every night to tell me he loves me and to wish me a good night. Happy birthday to my best friend Nathaniel "Tanny" Broughton. I wish you many, many more.