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Content Creation is in the Action

Content Creation for Beginners


If you're new to creating content, the first step is the hardest: deciding where to start. You want to find a platform that suits your needs and strengths, so you need to know what kind of information you want to share and how you want to share it. Do you have advice that will help others? Are you trying to increase awareness of an issue or product? Or are you just looking for an outlet for your thoughts and ideas? Once you've decided what kind of content creator you want to be, it's much easier to choose the right platform. This article will walk through everything that goes into choosing a suitable platform for your content

Know what program you solve

To be successful, you must first understand who you are solving for. This means that you need to know what your audience struggles with and what they are interested in. For example, if your targeted audience is business owners and startups, then you should write about topics related to starting a business and how to grow it.

The next step is learning all about the problems that your target audience faces: What do they want? What do they need? How can you help them?

Who is your audience

Knowing your audience is crucial for creating content that resonates with them. In order to do this, you must first understand the following:

  • Who they are—demographics, interests, and goals
  • What their pain points are
  • How they can be reached—through social media or email marketing, for example

What is your audience struggling with

Your audience is struggling with something. They don't know how to do it, they don't want to do it and they need help. What is their pain point?

Your audience wants answers. They are looking for solutions, they want to know what works, what doesn’t work, or if there's even a solution available at all!

What your audience needs to know:

A way to track their progress

How to prioritize their tasks

How long something will take them (if there is no way of knowing)

How much time they have left on a project before deadlines hit

How do You help

You have a story to share and you want to tell it.

You have a skill that you want to show off and help others with.

You have a desire for change and improvement in your life

photo-1654785419681-6f8415d8ec6d.undefinedor the lives of others.

That's what we're here for To help share stories, teach skills, solve problems, and help people change their lives (and their businesses) - all through the power of words!

Awareness, Know Like, and Trust Content

Awareness Content

Awareness content is used to educate your target audience about a product, service, or brand. It serves as a gateway to the other types of content that you can create for your business. For example, you might use an article on "The Top 5 Most Popular Business Tools" as an awareness piece that then leads into more detailed pieces about each product in the list. Awareness is also crucial for building trust with potential customers and establishing credibility in your niche industry.

Awareness content varies widely but should always be educational in nature rather than promotional or sales-focused. You can create awareness content using multiple formats including blog posts (like this one), white papers, ebooks, case studies, and infographics just to name a few options!

Select a Platform

As you begin to think about platforms, it's important to consider which ones are going to be the most beneficial for your audience.

For example, if you're writing a blog that focuses on travel tips for women over 40 and your primary target audience is between the ages of 40-60 (currently), then Medium would be a great choice because they use their own website as well as social media accounts. This is especially helpful because it means they will be able to share posts with their followers on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Snapchat, which are platforms that are popular among this demographic.

The next thing you'll want to look at when selecting a platform is how easy it is for you personally! If blogging isn't something that comes naturally then maybe consider finding someone else who can provide content regularly instead of spending hours every week trying to write something brilliant only have no one read it because no one cares about what you're saying anyway."


Your product or service is only as good as the audience who knows about it. Without a clear understanding of who your audience is and what their pain points are, there’s no way to know if you’re solving the right problem for them. It might seem like content creation for beginners can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. By thinking through these questions first, you can lay a strong foundation to build an effective content strategy that will help you reach your goals.