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Job Luck Blend


Great Mother Protection Blend


Cord-Cutting Blend


Fast Money Luck Blend


Astral Travel Blend


Traditional Oil Lamp


Blessed Efun


Ancestor Money


Blue Anil


Resurrection Rose




Black Divination Ball


Holy Oil


Holy Water


Creolina All Purpose Cleaner


About Me

Jai Grier is a 24 year old Writer, Womanist, Ifà Initiate, Hoodoosaint, Diviner, Astrologist & Southern Root-Work practitioner from Metro-Detroit, Michigan. 

Her journey began in African Traditional Practice & Matriarchal Spiritual Systems in 2016, discovering Ancestral Veneration through studying the many layers of truths of The Woman & African People imbedded in different religions and religious belief systems around the world. 

“Once I discovered who I am Spiritually, I discovered who I am fully.“

Jai Grier is currently an active Full-Time Practitioner assisting Women & Children in overcoming their obstacles & connecting with their Ancestors through various different traditional methods. 

Her main focus in her work is to empower, protect, uplift & support Black & Indigenous Women on their path to fulfilling their highest potential destinies.