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Era of Elevation: Affirmations to Elevate Your Mindset in 2024

2024 is your year to shine! It is your year of abundance, magic, opportunities, wealth, love, joy, and success. 2024 is your year to level up in new and exciting ways that are in alignment with God's vision for you. In order to truly manifest your dreams and achieve your goals, you must approach this year with a confident and optimistic mindset. Your thoughts and words have the power to either create or diminish your life. In this Era of Elevation, where personal growth is not just a goal but a necessity, embracing affirmations can be a powerful tool to shape your mindset. Let's explore affirmations that can help elevate your mindset and guide you towards a brighter and more fulfilling year.

  • I am in my own lane, focused and winning.
  • All I do is win!
  • I am in alignment with God's vision for me.
  • I have the power, knowledge, and creativity to create the life of my dreams.
  • I am connected to an infinite source of love, joy, success, wealth, and abundance.
  • I am never lacking, therefore I always have. My wants, needs, and desires are always met. 
  • I walk by what I’m expecting and not what I’m experiencing 
  • I am one with my body. I am one with my mind. I am one with my soul. I am one with Divine. 
  • I am blessed and highly favored. Everything always works out for me in expected and unexpected ways.
  • I am kingdom minded, I seek God for wisdom
  • My creativity earns me abundance in all forms
  • My heart and mind are open and ready for new experiences.
  • I am energetically aligned to all I desire.
  • I release what doesn’t reciprocate my energy.
  • I am liberated from old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve me.
  • I release all self-doubt and embrace my worthiness and self-love.
  • I am the creator of my own destiny and the master of my own life.
  • The love I have for myself increases my capacity to love others.
  • I am grateful for all the blessings in my life, and I welcome even more with open arms.
  • I am gentle with myself through all transitions.
  • I am grateful for all the abundance coming to me now
  • I release all resistance and surrender to the flow of life with ease and grace.
  • My body is healthy, my mind is brilliant, my soul is tranquil 
  • I submit to God's plan for me and choose to maneuver how he wants me to maneuver; to go where he wants me to go; to act as if he would want me to act. Now is my appointed time!

Write these affirmations down or repeat them daily to put yourself in a positive mental state. You can find a longer list of affirmations here if you need further inspiration. I invite you to think about your goals for this year and create your own list of affirmations that remind you of who you ARE, not who you wish you could become. God has given you the dreams, goals, and desires you have for a reason. There is a version of you that already has it. The moment you step into alignment and release the distractions, poor habits, and unhealthy patterns keeping you out of alignment, is the moment you begin to see major shifts happening. Commit to elevating your mindset, lifestyle, and habits this year and watch the blessings flow. This is your Era of Elevation, it is time to elevate!