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On Talking Terms With Dogs: Calming Signals

"Every dog needs his human to read this book! Learn to identify situations that are stressful to your dog so that you can resolve or avoid them. Rehabilitate a dog that has lost her ability to read or give calming signals. Become a keen observer of canine behavior at home, in the community, and among dogs to get better behavior and build a solid relationship."

Cat Body Language: 100 Ways To Read Their Signals

"Cat Body Language is an easy-to-use reference guide that enables cat owners to read the signals their pets are giving through their body language. Cats are often regarded as being part of the family, and this book will help readers understand more about their quiet companions."

My Dog Pulls - What Do I Do?

"In My Dog Pulls. What Do I Do? you will learn Turid's quick and easy method to train any age, size or breed of dog to walk calmly and quietly on a loose leash. Her approach is humane and based on a solid understanding of why dogs pull and how to work with the dog's nature and the environment to overcome the problem. City, town or country walking will become more relaxed, reducing stress for dog and owner."

Barking: The Sound of a Language

"Barking is more than just noise

Barking is natural and almost all dogs bark. It is one of the many ways dogs communicate with each other as well as with humans. In this book, author Turid Rugaas, well known for her work on identifying and utilizing canine âcalming signals,â turns her attention to understanding and managing barking behavior.

Think of barking as your dogâs language. By learning to identify what your dog is expressing when he barks, you can take steps to minimize their negative effects."

How to Raise a Puppy: A Dog-centric Approach

"How to Raise a Puppy moves away from the traditional approach to raising puppies, focused on obedience and control, and instead takes an holistic, dog-centred approach. Drawing on research into how dogs naturally rear their young, and how dogs have evolved to behave and spend their time, it supports a new way of sharing our lives with our dogs. It also offers advice on dealing with some of the common challenges people experience with puppies, and tips for managing adolescence."

Notfälle bei Hund und Katze

"Im Notfall sind Hund und Katze darauf angewiesen, dass Sie die Situation einschätzen können: Die richtigen Entscheidungen können lebensrettend sein. Aber auch in weniger dramatischen Situationen ist es hilfreich zu wissen, welche Erste-Hilfe-Maßnahmen helfen können, was man auf keinen Fall tun sollte, ob ein Tierarztbesuch nötig ist und wenn ja, wie eilig dieser ist."