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How to Make Money at a Car Boot Sale

Car boot sales are a popular way for many families to make some extra cash. They offer an opportunity to declutter your home and sell unwanted items to others. Whether you are a seasoned seller or a first-timer, car boot sales can be an excellent way to make money. Here, we will share tips and tricks on how to make the most out of your car boot sale experience.

Choose the Right Location

The location of your car boot sale can make a big difference in how successful you are. Look for a location that is easy to access and has plenty of foot traffic. You can also research local car boot sales online or in newspapers to find out which ones are the most popular. This will help you choose the right location to sell your items.

In addition, it is important to arrive early on the day of the car boot sale to secure a good spot. The early bird catches the worm, and in this case, the best sales spot!

When you arrive at the location, make sure to introduce yourself to the other sellers. They can be a great source of information and may even become your customers.

Price Your Items Strategically

Pricing your items can be tricky, but it is essential to make a sale. You don't want to price your items too high and scare away potential customers, but you also don't want to sell them too cheaply and lose money. Consider the condition and original value of your items when pricing them. You can also research online to see how much similar items are selling for. Remember, you can always negotiate prices with customers, so be prepared to haggle.

Setting up a "£1 or less" box can be an excellent way to attract customers and make quick sales. You can also offer discounts for bulk purchases. For example, three items for £5.

Finally, make sure to display your items in an attractive and organized manner. This will make it easier for customers to browse and find what they are looking for.

Bring the Right Equipment

Make sure to bring everything you need to set up your car boot sale stall. This includes tables, chairs, and a canopy to protect you from the sun or rain. You may also want to bring a clothes rail to hang clothing items and hangers. Don't forget to bring plenty of carrier bags and change for customers who pay with cash.


It is also a good idea to bring refreshments and snacks for yourself. You don't want to get hungry or thirsty during the car boot sale, and it's a great way to attract customers to your stall.

Advertise Your Sale

Advertising your sale is crucial to attracting customers. You can advertise your sale online through social media and local community groups. You can also put up posters in your local area, including supermarkets and community notice boards.

On the day of the sale, make sure to put up signs and balloons to make your stall stand out. You can also play music to create a fun and welcoming atmosphere.

Be Prepared to Negotiate

Negotiating prices with customers is part of the car boot sale experience. Be prepared to haggle and don't take it personally if a customer tries to negotiate a lower price. Remember, the goal is to make a sale and get rid of your items.

However, be firm with your prices and don't sell your items for less than they are worth. Some customers may try to take advantage of you, so be prepared to say no.

Don't Be Afraid to Donate

If you have items that don't sell, don't be afraid to donate them to charity. Many charities have donation bins at car boot sales, and it's a great way to give back to your community. You can also donate clothes and other items to local second-hand shops or shelters.

Keep Track of Your Sales

Make sure to keep track of your sales throughout the car boot sale. This will help you determine which items are selling well and which ones are not. You can also use this information to adjust your prices and make more sales.

At the end of the day, count your earnings and don't forget to deduct any expenses, such as the cost of renting a stall or buying refreshments.

Follow the Rules

Every car boot sale has its rules and regulations, so make sure to follow them. This includes arriving and leaving at the designated times, not selling prohibited items, and cleaning up your stall at the end of the day. Breaking the rules can result in fines or being banned from future car boot sales.


Car boot sales can be a fun and profitable way to make some extra cash. By following these tips and tricks, you can make the most out of your car boot sale experience. Remember to choose the right location, price your items strategically, bring the right equipment, advertise your sale, be prepared to negotiate, donate unsold items, keep track of your sales, and follow the rules.