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The Unprotected Daughter

With Abba’s Daughters, my assignment was different than my co author sisters. 

Each sister wrote about a woman in the Bible and shared their testimonies. Their stories are heart wrenching, yet life-giving and I encourage you to read it for yourself. The transparency was a challenge, yet worth the sacrifice. 

Today, if I had to choose one of the women of the Bible to identify with, it would be Tamar-The Unprotected Daughter. (2 Samuel 13) 

Doroeathea Jean Beach did an amazing job of sharing her Tamar experience in our book. 

I’m not quite ready to fully share my Tamar experience, but I will! 

What I can say is this, if you’ve been raised in the faith from a child and have been stripped of your innocence instead of being of the proper age to choose a mate to share yourself with, you’ve had a Tamar experience. 

Let me add, that while this book is about Women of the Bible, MEN too, have been unprotected and can benefit from reading even just this chapter. 

Pre Order your copy of ABBA’s Daughters: Everyday Women, Extraordinary God today.