Snapy Story For Instagram And Snapchat-V 1.0.
متاح للبيع
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Features Design Ease of use and modification..

The design is

  • coordinated,
  • tidy and easy to use,
  • the design is suitable for snapchat and Instagram Story sizes.

Easy to adjust

You can modify the data to suit your data and change the product image for your product as well, you can modify and add the colors you want.

Open source file in PSD format

Fonts used:

Cairo Font, which is a free Font [ Download Font ].

سوف تتلقى ملف ZIP بحجم 39MB

Ibrahim E. Abu Seada

I have +5 years of Experience as 2D Graphic Designer,

A specialist at Advertising Ads,

& I have +1 years of Experience as UI Designer

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