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The Implications of ZMX Warehouse Receipt System's Liquid Asset Status


The Zimbabwe Mercantile Exchange (ZMX) is a marketplace that facilitates the buying and selling of a wide range of agricultural products, such as maize, wheat, sorghum, and soybeans.

It was introduced in October 2021 and now operates an Electronic Warehouse Receipt System and a Commodities Trading Platform that ensures safe, secure, remote and convenient trading and financing of commodities.

This is a game changer in Zimbabwe. Visualise an online "Mbare Musika"!

The implications of ZMX Warehouse Receipt System's Liquid Asset Status

Farmers transport their produce to an approved warehouse where they get a "Warehouse Receipt". This is a legal document that provides proof of ownership of a commodity, providing evidence of quantity, grade, and quality of the stored commodity. This allows for buyers to make purchases virtually and securely.

What aroused my excitement to pen this article is the recent recognition of these Warehouse Receipts as "Liquid Assets" by the Securities Act. This has huge economic potential for the country at large. I will explain...

In June 2023, the ZMX announced that the Warehouse Receipt Instruments issued under the ZMX Warehouse Receipt System have been conferred with Liquid Asset Status by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ).

What is "Liquid Asset Status" and why am I excited about it this much?

A liquid asset is an asset that can easily be converted into cash within a short amount of time, without a negative impact on its value. That is the most non-technical description I can provide. Examples of liquid assets are in the form of cash, bank accounts, money market funds, US Treasury bills, or other investments that have high demand and security. And these ZMX Warehouse Receipts have been put in the same category.

This means the receipts now have a value, which may even be higher or lower than the intrinsic value of the underlying asset (the produce they represent). So they can be traded and, it is not far fetched that they also can be used for trade. I could sell my car and the new owner uses one of these receipts to settle my payment. "Liquid Asset," remember.

On a macroeconomic level, this article aims to assess this recent liquid asset conferment of the warehouse receipts by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and its implications to the agricultural sector, the financial sector, and the economy as a whole. To do so we will use relevant data, models, theories, and formulas to support the analysis.

Zimbabwe grain commodities to be listed on the Zimbabwe Mercantile Exchange.

1. Benefits for the Agricultural Sector

The conferment of Liquid Asset Status to the ZMX Warehouse Receipt Instruments has several benefits for the agricultural sector. These include:

- Improved access to credit: Farmers, contractors, and buyers of agricultural commodities can use the Warehouse Receipts as collateral for credit facilities from participating financial institutions. This can help them to finance their production costs, storage costs, marketing costs, and working capital needs.

The Warehouse Receipts can also be used as an instrument of exchange in commodities spot market trading, allowing them to sell their produce at fair prices and receive cash immediately.

- Reduced post-harvest losses: Farmers can deposit their commodities with a designated warehouse in exchange for a Warehouse Receipt, which ensures safe and secure storage of their produce. This can reduce post-harvest losses due to pests, diseases, theft, spoilage, or deterioration.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), post-harvest losses in sub-Saharan Africa amount to about 30% of the total production, which translates to about US$4 billion per year.

- Enhanced price discovery: Farmers can access real-time market data on commodity prices, price trends, bids and offers, trading volumes and values through the ZMX Online platform. This can help them to make informed decisions on when and where to sell their produce.

The ZMX platform also operates a system anchored on intelligent algorithms that give investors, traders and regulators critical information and tools for decision making.

ZMX is Zimbabwe's leading marketplace, linking local and international agriculture commodities & sellers

The mathematics

This means ZMX is bringing systematic and mathematical order to Zimbabwe agriculture which will help agronomists to quantify the benefits of improved access to credit, reduced post-harvest losses, and enhanced price discovery for the agricultural sector. This will help governmental input determination and measurement of likely outcomes and therefore success rates.

We can use a simple Cobb-Douglas production function model to make a summation here:

Y = A K^ \ alpha L^ \ beta

where Y is output (GDP), A is total factor productivity (TFP), K is capital input (credit), L is labour input (employment), \ alpha is capital elasticity (0 < $\alpha$ < 1), and \ beta is labour elasticity (0 < \ beta < 1).

Using data from ZIMSTAT for 2022 as a baseline year:

- Output (contribution to GDP) from agriculture: US$3.1 billion

- Capital input (Credit) to agriculture: US$800 million

- Labor input (Employment) in agriculture: US$4.5 million

- Total factor productivity (TFP) in agriculture: 0.6

- Capital elasticity (\ alpha) in agriculture: 0.3

- Labour elasticity (\ beta) in agriculture: 0.7

We can estimate the potential impact of ZMX Warehouse Receipt System's Liquid Asset Status on output (GDP) from agriculture in 2023 by assessing:

- Capital input (credit) to agriculture increases by 20% due to improved access to credit

- Labor input (employment) in agriculture increases by 10% due to reduced post-harvest losses

- Total factor productivity (TFP) in agriculture increases by 10% due to enhanced price discovery

- Capital elasticity (\ alpha) and labor elasticity (\ beta) in agriculture remain unchanged

Using the Cobb-Douglas production function model, we can calculate the agriculture contributions to GDP, if implemented as designed and followed through as planned, will be as follows:

Using the data from ZIMSTAT for 2022 as a baseline year, we got agriculture contributing:

Y = A K^ \ alpha L^ \ beta

Y = 0.6 (0.8)^0.3 (4.5)^0.7

Y = US$3.1 billion

to Zimbabwe's GDP in 2022.

Incorporating the assessed efficiencies and contributions ZMX will bring to the market if farmers use it as designed, and considering the commensurate changes in capital input, labor input and total factor productivity in 2023, we may get:

Y = A K^ \ alpha L^ \ beta

Y = 0.6 x 1.1 (0.8 x 1.2)^0.3 (4.5 x 1.1)^0.7

Y = 4.4 billion

This is, but only, the estimated output (GDP) from agriculture in 2023 if all conditions are met.

Therefore, the potential impact of ZMX Warehouse Receipt System’s Liquid Asset Status on output (GDP) from agriculture in 2023 may be an increase of a whooping 42 percent from 2022!

This shows beyond doubt that the ZMX Warehouse Receipt System and its conferred Liquid Asset Status can have a significant positive impact on the agricultural sector's productivity and profitability.

The Zimbabwe ZMX exchange provides real-time market data on commodity prices, price trends, bids and offers, trading volumes and values.

2. Benefits for the Financial Sector

The conferment of Liquid Asset Status to the ZMX Warehouse Receipt Instruments also has several benefits beyond the agriculture sector. In the the financial field these will include:

- Increased liquidity: Financial institutions can hold the Warehouse Receipts as part of their liquid assets portfolio, which can help them to meet their liquidity requirements and regulatory ratios. According to the RBZ Monetary Policy Statement (January 2023), banks are required to maintain a minimum liquidity ratio of 30%, which means that they must have liquid assets equivalent to at least 30% of their total deposits.

So banks now can free up more money for other cash generating activities, like lending, and still meet RBZ reserve regulations by holding these receipts. The Warehouse Receipts can themselves also be used for interbank lending, collateral or borrowing, which can improve the efficiency and stability of the money market.

- Diversified risk: Financial institutions can diversify their risk exposure by investing in different types of commodities through the ZMX platform. This can reduce their reliance on traditional assets such as loans, bonds, or equities, which may be subject to higher volatility or default risk, while these receipts are perceived as less risky since they are "reserved" by the underlying commodity physically at the certified warehouse. This reduces the counterparty risk and ensures security and stability of value.

- Expanded market: Financial institutions can expand their market reach by offering credit facilities or other financial services to farmers, contractors, and buyers of agricultural commodities who use the ZMX platform. By being on that platform farmers automatically begin to build a verifiable track record which will prove useful in ascertaining their risk value quotient.

This will lead to financial institutions lending more to farmers, who have hitherto been considered a risky sector, and will see an increase their customer base and revenue streams, while simultaneously helping the farmers and the sector in general.

According to the World Bank (2020), only 38% of adults in Zimbabwe have an account at a formal financial institution, which indicates there is yet a large potential for growth which financial institutions can exploit through inclusion and intermediation.

The Mathematics

To quantify the benefits of increased liquidity, diversified risk, and expanded market for the financial sector, we can use a simple financial intermediation model:

Y = r \ times D \ times m

where Y is output (GDP), r is interest rate, D is deposits, and m is money multiplier.

Using data from RBZ for 2022 as a baseline year:

- Contribution to GDP from financial sector: US$1.2 billion

- Interest rate: 35%

- Deposits: US$2.3 billion

- Money multiplier: 2.3

We can estimate the potential impact of ZMX Warehouse Receipt System's Liquid Asset Status on output (GDP) from financial sector in 2023 by taking:

- Interest rate stays unchanged at 35 percentage points

- Deposits increase by 10% due to diversified risk

- Money multiplier increases by 10% due to expanded market

Using the financial intermediation model, we can calculate the output (GDP) from financial sector in 2023 as:

Y = r \ times D \ times m

Y = 0.35 \times 2.3 \times 2.3

Y = 1.85

Therefore, the output (GDP) from financial sector in 2023 is projected to be US$1.85 billion, which is a +54% increase from the baseline year of 2020. This clearly demonstrates that the ZMX Warehouse Receipt System's Liquid Asset Status can have an even more significant positive impact on the financial sector's efficiency and stability than it actually does on the agriculture sector.

3. Benefits for the Economy

It can already be seen, at this juncture, that the conferment of Liquid Asset Status to the ZMX Warehouse Receipt Instruments has several benefits for the economy as a whole. To those listed above we can include:

- Increased productivity: The improved access to credit, reduced post-harvest losses, and enhanced price discovery can increase the productivity and profitability of the agricultural sector. This will boost the output and income of farmers, contractors, and buyers of agricultural commodities, as well as the value-added and employment of the downstream sectors like agro-processing and manufacturing industries.

According to the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT), agriculture contributed 17% to the gross domestic product (GDP) and employed 33.7% of the labour force in 2022. These numbers can only increase with more adoption of this ZMX platform and its attendant benefits from common market, warehousing, receipting and trading systems.

- Fighting inflation: The increased liquidity, diversified risk, and expanded market can reduce the inflationary pressures in the economy. As the receipts have liquidity status now they too become yet another "store of value" form, like the mosi-oa-tunya gold coins and the recently introduced eZWL gold backed tokens. This will aid, in whatever small way, to lower inflation, and by extension, the cost of living and improve the purchasing power of consumers.

- Enhanced competitiveness: The increased productivity, reduced inflation, and improved access to markets and information can enhance the competitiveness of the agriculture industry in Zimbabwe. This can increase the export potential and foreign exchange earnings of the agricultural sector, as well as attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) and portfolio investment to the economy.

According to the RBZ Monetary Policy Statement (January 2023), exports increased from US$4.4 billion in 2020 to US$5.2 billion in 2022, while FDI increased from US$259 million in 2020 to US$412 million in 2022. So this can only be good news which, over time, will have to trickle down to be felt in individuals' pockets.

The Mathematics

To quantify the benefits of increased productivity and enhanced competitiveness for the economy through this ZMX full implementation by farmers, we can use a simple aggregate demand and supply model:

Y = C + I + G + X - M

where Y is output (GDP), C is consumption, I is investment, G is government spending, X is exports, and M is imports.

Using data from Worlbank and other sources for 2022 as a baseline year:

- Output (GDP): US$28.37 billion

- Consumption: US$22.5 billion

- Investment: US$2.5 billion

- Government spending: US$5 billion

- Exports: US$5.8 billion

- Imports: US$6.8 billion

We can estimate the potential impact of ZMX Warehouse Receipt System's Liquid Asset Status on output (GDP) in 2023 by taking it that:

- Consumption increases by 10% due to increased income and lower inflation

- Investment increases by 20% due to increased credit and FDI

- Government spending remains unchanged

- Exports increase by 10% due to increased competitiveness

- Imports increase by 5% due to increased demand

Using the aggregate demand and supply model, we can calculate the output (GDP) in 2023 a

Y = C + I + G + X - M

Y = 22.5 + 2.5 + 5 + 5.8 - 6.8 

Y = 29 billion

Therefore, the output (GDP) in 2023 can projected to at US$29 billion. This is a 2.2% increase to the 2023 GDP which can be easily attributable directly to the positive impact of ZMX if applied as designed. But this is only on paper. The real work is on the ground. Before this article what else had you heard of ZMX? Are they doing enough marketing for the adoption of their platform (from which results will ensue)? How can their exertions be enhanced?

I am hosting a Tweeter Space this Saturday 10th of June 2023, from 1830hrs CAT, with ZMX Public Relations and Communications Officer Tsitsi. Please do follow and come through. My handle is @admire_dube

The ZMX exchange initiative is a partnership between the Government and private sector participants that include Financial Securities Exchange (Finsec), a licensed securities exchange, TSL Limited, a publicly traded agro-industrial business and CBZ Holdings, a publicly traded financial services business among others.


The ZMX Warehouse Receipt System is a innovative and beneficial initiative that can transform the Zimbabwe agricultural and financial sectors, and the economy as a whole. The conferment of Liquid Asset Status to the ZMX Warehouse Receipt Instruments by the RBZ is a recognition and endorsement of this initiative, which enhances its credibility and attractiveness, increasing the benefits exponentially.

This piece has analysed the implications of this platform and the recent announcement of liquidity status of the ZMX warehouse receipts, using relevant data, models, theories, and formulas, and has shown that it can have positive effects on various aspects of the economy.

However, there are also some challenges and risks that need to be addressed, such as ensuring adequate regulation, supervision, and governance of the ZMX platform; ensuring adequate infrastructure, capacity, and quality of the designated warehouses; ensuring adequate awareness, education, and participation of the stakeholders; and ensuring adequate coordination, collaboration, and alignment of policies among the relevant authorities, for all this potential to be realised.

ZMX to increase grain sales efficiency in Zimbabwe.


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