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Wellness Treats: Party Games and Activities


Crafting a Meaningful Travel Journal - Video Course

August Self-care Inspirations


July Self-care Inspirations


June Self-care Inspirations


May Self-care Inspirations


April Self-care Inspirations


March Self-Care Inspirations


Wellness Party Banner


Wellness Party Occasion List - Wellness Party ideas


Well-rounded Self-care Planner - Wellness Party Activity


Self-Care Word Chain - Wellness Party Game


Self-care Wheel Plan - Wellness Party Activity


Self-care Vision Board - Wellness Party Activity


Self-care Scattegories - Wellness Party Game


About Me

Hi. my name is Agnes de Bezenac. I'm a certified Wellness Coach with an artistic flaire.

At the core of well-being is self-care. Self-care to me is really listening to our bodies, taking moments to check in, intentionally tuning in to the thoughts going on in our minds, and challenging our behaviors and mindsets if things feel out of balance. 

With these resources and "Funsheets" (which is how I like to call them), it is my hope to inspire and encourage you to delve a little deeper into self-care, to help you live out your healthiest version of you. Not through pushing harder, but through a joyful journey for physical and emotional blossoming. 

I feel that the world could do better with a few more of us paying attention to our health and well-being. I hope these encourage you to find your own path, to personalize self-care routines and practices that work for YOU...

With love,


See my website:
