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Tools For Effective Evangelism

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“Gathering the LORD, harvest’s in His harvest field

2Timothy 4:5, But you keep your head in all situations, endure hardship, do the work of an Evangelist, discharge all the duties of your ministry.

The above scripture inspire us to do the work of an evangelist. To do the work of an evangelist, requires you to first understand the work of an evangelist.

Evangelism is a method we apply from the scripture in Matthew 28:18-20, to fulfill the Great-Commission of the lord Jesus Christ. one of the terms used most frequently in the New Testament to describe the Christian message is the Greek word euangelion which means “good news.” The English word “evangelism” is derived from that word and simply means “sharing the good news.” Before we start sharing, let first ask the LORD of the Harvest to guide us in His harvest field that we can get ripe harvest.  Matthew 9:37-38.
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