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A&G That Pair of Pliers with Elon Musk Look what we found Dome City

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The lost Dome City so very pretty sitting there all alone where is everybody We had come a long way and nobody was home Gadzooks Yikes the Dome was impenetrable  Big AL said it's made for cold weather let's look underneath, and sure enough, an entrance with the spiral stairs said welcome earthlings through the detection system on the walls searched all day Empty not a single soul alien or otherwise Gaz said They welcomed us in English I wonder are there History Panels on the Walls that Tell the City Story of where everybody went and who were they let tap out a few best start at the top and work our way down  sure are lots of markings on the walls yes and I counted Twelve Landing Platforms Let start on those,

Yep sure enough the Top Landing before Entering the city or Exiting there was a protruding square block Gaz pushed it. What came next Frightened the shit out of both of them. This operation was such an enormous size looking down at them with mouths opened saying  So you seek the Truth most admirable Earthlings.

The Face Had Three Eyes Two Pointy Ears with Three very Big round eyes Moon shape and yellow,

We came here in Peace and Lived in Peace with all our other Alien Friends,

You see by our Dome we like a protective shield environment and a Normal Temperature for our Race is just zero and five will destroy us we lived at the underground North Pole of our Planet for Three hundred Earth Years among all others we call our Planet Home TAGLEMOT and we built Five Dome cities  to Survive the Harsh Heat waves of seasons winds of Taglemot,

To survive we live on a Fish and Plankton diet as you notice the seas are dried up and gone and so are we unable to survive we left in your Earthling Year of 1965 we surveyed your planet but on Earth you have Harsh Summers Heat waves winds with a Tropical Centre,

The Poles already inhabited other Alien Species that Object to us sharing. Our Sine-Tacs Alien Friends shared their knowledge and we came to live on Planet K7784 we Now call TAGLEMOTY all Oceans and Mountains no land for Cultivation But oceans Teaming with Fish and Plankton  it was easy for us to make our Dome cities here and we survived  and if we Can Be of Assistance in your search for knowledge and truth The Twelve landings each have a story of our History and escape to survival of Our Alien Race we are the Taglemoties who have travelled the universe seeking those oceans to survive and still we Search  the scenery changed from the face talking to a Massive Nine Tiered Spacecraft out of all proportions they had ever seen such was the Advancement of those Taglemoties  they had Fins for Feet and Hands  yet seemed to just slide about on Slug like trails that they left behind at high speeds  they learned the Female walks at a slow pace across those Trails to get impregnated there is no Sex Relationships Male to Female.and there are no visible sex organs Male or Female

Everything is done through bare feet impregnation what picked up off the trail after a Male and Most of the females wear a Fin Boot and it's only at certain times they remove their boots for that purpose of Recreation  

They both were amazed at the knowledge this Planet had no life and only those Five Dome Empty Cities were investigated and films were sent to H&S LA studios for due process Elon Musk was so very interested he was so encouraged yet knowing the species left disturbed his mind as with any Extreme intelligence they were Creative  They ate this Plankton and Crushed Paste Fish like a Pancake wrap Three Times a Day Four wraps each meal and Must swim as this was their form of Drinking after each meal  


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