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From Under My Blanket...Last Call for Fire & Brimestone

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From Under My Blanket
Last Call For Fire & Brimstone

The crotches of my shorts had rotten out long ago from being on my first period and not knowing what it was after being on the highways hitching for God only knows how long. Many girls are not told by their mothers what a period is nor how to take care of it. At some point it was grandma who told me the basic stuff about periods, but I didn't catch on to how to take care of this horrid problem for a long time.

The most precious people to me while growing up was my grandma and a lot of awesome aunts on mom's side. I can't mention names I get in trouble for that. However, if it's my mom, dad, brothers or sisters-back off! This story is not about anyone in my family or extended family, just me and my alcoholic drugged out party days.

At some point I was with my grandma and my aunts noticed my crotch was rotten and brought it to grandma's attention and she told me what it was and what to do. My oldest sister, Carolyn owned a small restaurant with her husband, Tom Bell in Ohio. Mom and dad had once again told me I couldn't stay so I hitched from Indiana to Ohio to see if Carolyn would let me work for her. Carolyn said; "You can work here and earn some clothes and food."

I was still in the same cut off jeans with the crotches rotted away and barely covering me. I asked Carolyn if she could front me some clothes and a hamburger. She said; "No, not till you've earned it." I had no problem with this dad did say, "You have to work for what you want in life and do the best you can." I had always worked with dad on his many jobs, building us houses to live in, businesses and adventures, but once I ran away that first time I was no longer welcome at home.

Dad was a Charlatan false prophet Pentecost Oneness preacher who beat all of us kids, not spankings, beatings. Mom did too, but I believe she didn't want to. My mom and dad were crazy and made us kids kinda crazy. I was getting beat at home and school so when abuse, attacks, guns, rapes, and violence was introduced to me it didn't really make a big difference whether I was home or on the highways.
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