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Seven Sisters...Harley

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Seven Sisters

This is the most exciting night in the history of game cock fighting in the Tennessee mountains in the biggest arena in four states. In an effort to keep the owner's of this arena safe, we'll call this cock fighting arena 'Moonshine Era'.

Harley had twelve game cocks she conditioned by herself since they were born. Tonight they're ready to fight the best in the business. It was a long drive to the 'Moonshine Era' arena from town and country close to Lexington, Kentucky, but the address was in Richmond, Kentucky. Then it's an even longer drive up through the winding dirt roads in the Tennessee mountains where these days several of the Era's family stood at the bottom of the entrance with double barrels and several stood at the top of another long dirt road holding double barrels.

The double barrels weren't for the cock fighters or handlers, they were because a few years back the Era family was busted and fined $200,000.00. Now if your friends with the Era family you can get a plastic life time card which allows you to get in if you pay a $20.00 cover charge for entrance if your just a spectator or wanting to bet. The handlers would pay $20.00 per bird you wanted to fight on your card. {Harley was a master cock handler because she was trained by three men who were the best in the business.}

These rates were very reasonable considering you get a private stall for your cocks and friends to hang out in to smoke weed and share beer and whiskey. It was considered unsociable to not share your weed, beer and whiskey.

The Era family made the 'Moonshine Era' a private club and you had to be a personal friend to get in. They killed their own hogs and had fresh barbecue sandwiches and so much food no one can remember all the other foods. Harley loved the barbecue sandwiches and doesn't recall the other menu items.

There were little kids laying, sitting, betting, eating, drinking beer and alcohol, cheering, and smoking weed in the rafters above everyone all over the arena.

Harley and Tommy saved their money to enter the fights tonight. Tommy took the money to the owners for her and paid $240.00 to enter Harley's twelve cocks in that nights fights. Four out of five fights wins a trophy and all the house money which included all the bets made during the night with the arena owners.

It was three days and ten barrels of dead cocks later before Harley's name was called. She was so nervous and didn't know who she would be matched against. Harley was standing in the middle of the arena holding her fingers under her bird's craw holding the gaffs keeping them and his legs separated while petting her cock. If you don't know what your doing you can get gaffed yourself and they are really long and would go in pretty deep.
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