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Kundalini Yoga for Kidneys - practice to increase energy and detoxification

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Kundalini Yoga for the Kidneys. 
This practice is at time challenging due to repetition. One can stop, take a rest and return to the practice when ready. 
In this class we use Mantras (words with healing sound and vibration) and mudras (hand gesture that are used to direct energy).
Beginning mantra: Om Namo Gurudev Namo
Other mantra used:
Har Har Har
Wahe Guru  Wahe Guru  Wahe Guru  Wahe Jeeo
Closing Mantra: Sat Nam 3 times

This Kundalini Yoga practice will help with detoxification and to restore energy when one has been affected by fatigue.
Kundalini yoga works on balancing the chakras, this particular practice focus on balancing the lower three chakras, strengthens the navel point, creates a flow of energy in the spine and cultivate strenght, stability and balance. 
This is the perfect practice to find a sense of stability and harmony, because it strenghten the lower triangle (lower three chakras.) and its connection with the heart chakra.
The Navel point  is the centre of energy, of will power, associated with  the Element of Fire, and with the adrenals, kidneys, liver, gall bladder, spleen, digestive organs, and pancreas.
A strong and balanced Navel Point indicate physical and energetic strenght in life.

This class is offered at a discount price due to the music being distrupted. This doesnt effect the audio of the teacher.  
You will get a MP4 (1GB) file