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The Departure Lounge

When we are unhappy and beginning to feel disconnect from a relationship we give 7 predicable clues.

Course curriculum

The first 2 clues are verbal

The first two clues are verbal and contain frustration and low level anger.

If you respond to the person's appeal for help now you have a great chance to prevent further disruption.

5 Behavioural Clues

The person will change long-term behaviours getting more obvious as they move towards the departure longe. 

The closer they get to leaving the harder it is to save the relationship.

Once again, these changes of behaviour can be predictable.

Nothing has changed.

The person will wait for around 6 to 8 weeks before giving up suppressing the sadness and anger and severing their connection and the relationship reinvesting their time and energy into a new relationship.

But, because they have failed to address the behaviours that caused they move from one relationship to another.

They are like a ticking time bomb and the next relationship will eventually implode.

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The Departure Lounge


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