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136.10 Hz - Frequency of the Earth Year & Heart Chakra

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136.10 Hz is the frequency of the earth year and heart chakra. It is the frequency of the rotation of the earth around the sun and is also known as the 'OM Frequency' used in meditation, and corresponds to 'Amen' in Christian churches.

Located in the center of the chest, the heart chakra is the fourth of seven major energy centers that distribute the flow of prana or energy throughout the body. The heart chakra is the bridge between the lower (lower triangle) and upper (upper triangle) chakras; it is the link between the physical and spiritual worlds. When energy flows through the heart chakra freely, we are able to give and receive love, accept others and ourselves, forgive others and ourselves, and feel connected to everything around us.  

As all seven chakras are interconnected, blockages or imbalances in the heart chakra can affect all the other chakras. This disruption of energy can impact negatively on your mind, body, and spirit. Balancing the heart chakra enables you to create a solid foundation for opening and balancing all the chakras above.

136.10 Hz balances the heart chakra. Therapeutically, this frequency has a sedative effect, is known to sooth and balance emotions, reduce stress and relax the mind. It is also associated with sunlight, warmth and joy. Use this frequency if you are having difficulties opening yourself up to others.

Product runs for 15 minutes and comes in mp3 format.
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