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Noff's Gem Riding - VA/SFX

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Please check discord for better previews!

You will NEED Noff's animation for this to work

I made 58 Sound files for you in total! I'm sure there's something you'd like there!

  • This is PENUMBRA ONLY!!!!!
  • Put the sound files 1 priority higher then the animation!!!
  • 2 Types of Voices: Adventerous Sprout and Mature Mommy
  • SFX has some feint squirming/bed creaking/fabric sound to it!
  • Has sound for F bottom this time around too
  • Several Moan/Orgasm Patterns to pick from
  • Several SFX/Pounding Sounds to pick from etc etc

So you are all used to my mods variants being insanity, it is time to do the same for SFX!

The amount of work Noff and I put in this time around is insanity lmao.

All 'naughty' sounds are put on the top character as they are taking the lead in this for the most part.

Let me know if there's any issues, was a lot to pack, so something might have gotten lost along the way.

You will get a ZIP (12MB) file