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Nuggets for Men Audio Book

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"Nuggets for Men‟
is for men who can answer „YES‟ to the following questions:
Do you feel like you have not been able to achieve your God given goals?
Do you think you are going around in a circle?
Are you of the opinion that women don't understand you?
Do you find it difficult to walk in love?
Do you find it difficult to forgive offences?
Are you struggling with any issues you can‟t talk about to anyone?
Are you tired of being in the same position for too long?
Do women complain that they can‟t understand you?
Do you want to do things differently?
Are you of the opinion that men don‟t cry?
Do you want to succeed despite all the hardships you might have faced?
Do you seek change from your present situation?
If you answered YES to any of the above, then this book is for you. Sit back, relax, take notes
and enjoy these life challenging tips guaranteed to make you succeed and live a fulfilling life.
They are bite size, easy to read and easy to understand nuggets that you can apply daily.
Pleaseshare them with your friends and family.
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