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The best way you can ruin a great promising country like South Africa is to have incompetent empty headed people at the helm for a long time. At the dawn of the 1990s era, South Africa was at the border of global stardom, to becoming a new superpower. The world looked at the African continent and saw an oasis in the desert.

But alas, after more than 20 years, the country in in ruins, it is a fallen behemoth, a skunk of a country that you often feel ashamed to be associated with. South Africa needs to break free from the chains that have made it a butt of jokes in the world. For a period of more than 20 years South Africa was made a butt of jokes by the African National Congress (ANC). South Africa during this period lacked vitality, honor and dignity.

ANC leaders have been acting like tsetse flies. There go out in the corners of the country promising people a better life for all, and millions of jobs. But then once they secure the votes of the people they go and do the opposite. A blind ad is a scam. The blind ad promises people that if they buy a certain product or service they will become millionaires, owning beautiful women all over the world, living in multiple posh houses, owning a fleet of Maserati and Lamborghini and so on.

But soon after buying people discover that they have been scammed. Would anyone say that ANC politicians care for South Africans? We know that those criminals are in office to steal money from the people and that is all there is to them. It is time we stopped making excuses for them. ANC leaders honestly do not feel any kind of human sympathy for their people; they do not resolve to help their people. All they want to do is use them and when they are no longer useful discard them like rag dolls. We should not out of political correctness deny this reality.

I see ANC leaders as those human beings who refuse to do the right thing and the people who vote for them suffer and they turn around seeking scapegoats to blame for their people’s suffering.

They act as if their behaviors have no consequences; they do evil things and turn around that it is not their fault. The question is: what are we going to do about it. It’s time South Africans of developmental vision and moral acumen coalesced around a new diverse multiracial movement to ensure that ANC does not crop up as our sole default ruling party come 2019. If you want things to be different in your life, then there is no point in doing things over and over again. If you do, you will surely get the same results. To get a different result, you have to try a different approach. Thus, you need to move from your comfort zone.

That comfort zone is seeing things through your racial lens. To be South Africa will require a messy work of embrace all the ugliness in order to turn them into gold. Insanity is doing the same wrong thing and getting the necessary result while hoping to have a better result. We must go all over South Africa and speak to the gullible and easily impressed to stop voting for the ANC. We are running out of time. For this country to have a chance of succeeding we need to get rid of the ANC. The ANC is brought to power by mumu.

The term mumu implies a simpleton who is easily taken advantage of by others; a person so trusting that unscrupulous persons hoodwink him or her. We should go up and down the corners of South Africa and make friends with unlikely people telling them that the ANC is a mere shell of an idea, a hollow mask: a fiction, a make-belief, a flimsy, papier-mâché contraption sustained by collective desire to loot and make people impoverished. We have allowed ANC to steal our humanity away, to strip us of what it means, at bottom, to possess human dignity, and to really animalize majority of South Africans.

Contemptible gluttons that they are—and we are fully loyal, voting for them all the time! We reserve front seats for ANC leaders at our community meetings, funerals, wedding and other community gatherings. They swagger around and we follow them on social media on a stampede because we regard these rapists of South Africa as very important persons (VIPs).

The typical ANC politician is a criminal and exhibits the anti-social personality structure of not giving a damn about what people think or say of him. The people who bother at all can call the ANC politician a thief and even write about it. But the ANC leader does not care, does not sweat over such negative name-calling. He has grown thick skin and shakes off whatever negative names the people call him. The ANC leader is immune to negative put downs; in fact, upon listening to South Africans talking on radio or on social media where people call him a thief, he laughs!

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