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ROZOVSKY HEIRS 5: BOOK 2 | Sofia Michelle (Rise of the Queen)

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I was hungry for revenge.

I vowed to crushed down the man that killed my parents.

I did everything even marrying the same man that I promised to crush to the ground.

But it didn’t occur to me that once I tasted vengeance, it has an ultimate price to pay.

I am paying it with my life.

I am paying it with my heart.

I knew I can run but I can never hide from the devil Stanislav Rozovsky.

I changed him to become a better man, but in the end, I made him the ultimate sinister. I made him worse than the devil he was before.

Now he was hunting me.

And I don’t know until when I can run away from him.





For the first time, I opened my heart.

I fell in love and I promised to give my love, my all to the woman who made me feel that love was still meant for a tyrant like me.

As my love for her was getting deeper, she crushed it without a warning. Stabbed it. Crumpled it until I was slumped to the ground and didn’t know if I could still recover.

But hell, I am Stanislav Rozovsky. I am the devil. I was raised in hell. I am the soulless monster that anyone was afraid of.

Not one woman could bring me down like that.

I will stand up, gather myself and surely, she will wish that she never knew me at all.

She can run but definitely, she cannot hide from me.

I am going to hunt her until I’ll have my hands on her.

And I am going to make her savor the sweetness of my revenge.


This EBOOK copy is the same content with the book. Physical copies is also available for this story.

GENRE: Dark Mafia Romance / Sexy Romance

Author: Helene Mendoza

Cover and Concept Design: Heynette Sykes

Chapters: 47 chapters plus 1 epilogue and 3 special chapters

Page and Word Count: 488 pages

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