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Pride Icon 2021

On Sale
Pay what you want: (minimum $5.00)
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  • Lineart
  • Base Color
  • Shading Layer
  • Circle Outline for Circle Icons

Rules of Base Use:
  • You may make profit from this base (eg. icons, YCH)
  • You may modify the file/lines/add your own embellishments as you see fit.
  • Do NOT give the file to others, every base must be purchased through me.
  • Do NOT remove my signature. You MAY add your own signature as long as it does not obscure mine.
  • You must credit me @SkyeHusky when posted as the base artist.
  • Download files are .clip, .psd and .sai so should work for most programmes. If you have any problems, let me know via FA (@skyehusky) or on Twitter (@Skyehuskyart) and I will try to help as best I can.
  • Ability to edit lines/clean up lines is needed.
You will get the following files:
  • CLIP (1MB)
  • PSD (746KB)
  • SAI (1MB)