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[ENG] Male Combo PG #1 - Beauty, Height, Abundance, Prosperity, Muscle Mass Gain and + [Short Version]

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Subliminal Audio / Energetic Audio / Recharge GHz

This program is designed to increase your beauty both physically and mentally

In addition to other benefits such as attraction, youth, having a lot of abundance in your life, manifestation and more...

Remember that our audios are programmed so that you can block some benefit that you do not want, you can also listen to the 1-listen "Mental Domain" audio that will help this process (you can find it for free on YouTube)

If you want an audio with the specific characteristics desired according to what you require, you can contact me

▶ Џηıνęяšąl ◀

Summary Benefits:

● Increase in self-esteem day by day

● Always maintain high self-esteem

● Get up every day with a lot of motivation

● Get a lot of motivation in all aspects of your life

● Have a lot of confidence in yourself and in everything you do

● Very high confidence

● Unbreakable trust

● Have a lot of security and confidence in all aspects of your life

● Allow yourself to do all the things you want without fear

● Intelligence increases more and more

● Very high IQ

● All brain cells become smarter

● Healthy and regenerated neurons

● Neural connections work perfectly correctly, making you smarter

● Have a lot of self-confidence

● Be very confident when walking

● Be very confident when speaking

● Elimination of shyness and depression

● Happiness

● Every day feel happy and motivated to live this beautiful life

● Beautiful, happy and perfect life

● Have self-love

● Love you a lot

● Know that you are very valuable

● Love everything about yourself

● Have an unbreakable spirit

● Extreme attraction to money, success, abundance and prosperity (contains many affirmations from our previous abundance programs, plus new affirmations)

● Marked and masculine jaw

● Square jaw, masculine and attractive

● Very defined and attractive jaw line

● Hunter eyes/gaze

● Horizontally wider eyes (desired)

● Vertically narrow eyes (desired)

● Very attractive hunter look

● Symmetrical eyes (same size, shape and position)

● Eliminate dark circles

● Healthy, clear and beautiful eye contour

● Skin around the eyes is lightened

● Healthy eye area

● Healthy and perfect eye contour skin now

● Very clear and beautiful eyes

● Iris will become clearer every second

● The irises of both your eyes will lighten extremely quickly until they reach the desired color

● Accelerated depigmentation of the iris

● Very clear, beautiful and bright irises

● Your eyes will make everyone fall in love

● Full and attractive eyebrows

● Masculine and attractive forehead

● Muscular, masculine and attractive neck

● Very symmetrical and proportional face

● Mewing at all times

● Auto mewing

● Always have your tongue glued to the roof of your mouth correctly

● Straight and correctly aligned teeth

● Very attractive and healthy teeth

● Extremely attractive and beautiful smile

● Attractive and masculine skull

● Everyone will like your very beautiful skull

● Very symmetrical and proportional nose

● Straight nose

● Straight nasal septum (elimination of hump)

● Beautiful and perfect nose

● Attractive and kissable lips

● Lips cause a lot of desire in women

● Have hollow cheeks

● Marked and attractive cheekbones

● Sunken and attractive cheeks (desired)

● Removal of fat on the cheeks

● Beautiful cheekbones

● Very impressive voice

● Voice of the desired tone

● Speak with the voice of the tone you most want

● Healthy, beautiful and dandruff-free hair

● Hair lightened to the desired color

● Hair of the desired color (if your desired color is black it will stay there)

● Your breath always smells good

● Have fresh and mint breath

● Healthy and fresh breath

● Growth of an aesthetic and attractive beard (desired)

● Have ears of aesthetic and attractive size

● Ears of the desired size

● Pretty ears

● Your body will always smell good

● Sweat smells good

● Attractive vanilla body odor

● Always smell good wherever you go

● Healthy and perfect skin

● Skin always looks very healthy and hydrated

● Healthy skin free of imperfections (free of acne, expression lines, dryness, blackheads, enlarged pores, blemishes, etc.)

● Small and healthy pores

● Healthy, young and healthy facial skin

● Extremely perfect and clean facial skin

● Skin becomes light in color evenly

● Skin whitening (desired)

● Collagen production in the skin

● Very beautiful soft skin

● Stem cells will keep the skin young

● Be immune to fluid retention

● Have good and perfect insulin sensitivity

● Permanently low body fat percentage

● Body fat percentage of 9% to 10%

● Completely flat, toned and marked abdomen

● Abdomen free of inflammation and constipation

● Body now changes to a mesomorphic body

● Your genetics allow you to now have a mesomorphic body

● Totally mesomorphic body that gains a lot of muscle mass easily

● Healthy and symmetrical chest, ribs and sternum

● Masculine and symmetrical pectorals

● Large, masculine and strong pectorals

● Colon and intestines free of inflammation

● Have an aesthetic 8 pack abdomen

● Elimination of unnecessary fat from the abdomen to have visible abs

● Fat-free abdomen with very marked abs

● Super accelerated metabolism

● Gains in muscle mass are permanent

● All the muscle mass that grows will stay that way forever

● Muscles always remain big from now on

● Slim and toned abdomen

● Small and masculine waist

● Correct posture

● Upright and healthy posture

● Always walk upright and healthy

● Very wide and attractive shoulders

● Wide, broad and large back

● V-shaped back

● Have perfect muscle genetics

● Your genetics will allow you to have a lot of muscles

● Extremely rapid and accelerated increase in muscle mass

● Muscles grow exponentially

● All muscles grow and are easily defined

● Your body absorbs all the proteins you eat

● Easily gain muscle mass and naturally large muscles

● Increase muscle mass with every action you do (walk, talk, breathe, sleep, watch television, etc.)

● All unnecessary fat and sugar is transformed into muscle

● Generate automatic muscle hypertrophy

● Having low levels of myostatin in the muscles (The protein myostatin is a growth factor that limits the growth of muscle tissue, for example high concentrations of myostatin in an individual cause a decrease in normal muscle development, but small amounts cause great muscle gain and development)

● Developed buttocks, large round and very masculine

● Open growth plates and generate growth hormones

● The entire physical body measures 213 cm

● The entire body and cells are modified so that you have a height of 213 cm

● Height of 213 centimeters (contains many statements from the previous program to grow taller)

● Penis growth to 30 cm

● Very large and thick penis (contains many statements from the previous audio to increase penis size)

● Eliminate premature ejaculation

● Permanently remove pubic hair (desired)

● Constant regeneration of cells to rejuvenate

● Constant regeneration and lengthening of telomeres to stay young

● Increase stem cell production

● Increased testosterone to high, healthy and optimal levels

● Straight and symmetrical legs (cures bowed legs)

● Extreme attraction of women of desired ages

● Attract many women every day into your life

● Magnet of beautiful women

● You will be very attractive to all women

● Women will fall in love with you when they look at you

● Attract women of the age you want

● Facial and body beauty is increasingly noticeable and perfect

● Your face will become more and more beautiful every day now

● Your physical beauty is better than that of the most attractive models or actors

● Your genetics make you have all these changes quickly and permanently

● Elimination of double chin and excessive facial fat

● Now have a slim and beautiful face

● Extremely attractive and perfect face

● Exponentially increased strength and endurance

● Have a great self-image and self-concept

● Always be optimistic, positive and persevering

● Positive mindset

● Increased agility, speed and reflexes to train

● Powerful and powerful immune system

● Strong and healthy immune system

● Healthy nervous system

● Positive canthal inclination

● Permanently increased collagen production

● Production of male pheromones

● Male pheromones always smell delicious

● Your pheromones attract many women every day

● Body produces beneficial antioxidants

● Always stay at the age you want

● Always be at the desired and ideal biological age eternally

● Eternal youth

● Always speak with great security and confidence

● Be very self-disciplined

● Developed masseter muscles

● Live in comfort and happiness

● Every day attract more and more money

● The spine decompresses to gain height

● Have genetics of very tall people

● Know how to talk to women naturally

● Have an excellent memory

● Your super memory will make you remember everything you want with ease

● Manifest your ideal and desired job

● Have financial independence

● Be prosperous in every aspect of your life

● Healthily release large amounts of growth hormone

● Immune to baldness

● Hair will always grow healthy

● Healthy and regenerated hair

● The body grows with perfect and proportional symmetry

● Naturally large and developed forearms

● Naturally large and developed calves

● Lasting many hours in sex without stopping

● Control ejaculation 100%

● Only ejaculate when you want

● Rapid creation and recovery of microfractures to grow taller

● Very large and beautiful glans

● Large and fibrous penis body

● Have a good connection with the universe

● Know self-defense intuitively and naturally to avoid attacks

● Manifest in this reality all the affirmations of this audio

● Manifest everything good you want in your body and life

● Big muscular legs

● Large, muscular arms

● Large and muscular pectorals

● Large and muscular sword

● Be a self-taught person

● Be immune to stress

● Sexy look

● Look makes people nervous

● Look (they say "it scares me but I like it")

● Stimulation of the pituitary gland

● Erections harder than steel and very long lasting

● Lasting hours in sex without ejaculating

● Eliminate and prevent erectile dysfunction

● Long-lasting and powerful erections

● Make any woman fall in love easily

● Manifest ideal and desired clothing

● Just by thinking about your ideal clothes you get it

● Well-placed symmetrical jaw

● Protection against UV rays

● Have good general health

● Healthy body, healthy mind

● Perfect health throughout the body

● Fast and permanent results

● Results increase and accelerate exponentially

● Results embedded in your DNA

● ++++++++++++++ (contains many more benefits)

You can block any benefits you don't consciously want, you have the power

Contains normal, specific, scientific and energetic affirmations

- Contains frequency based on 528hz

- Contains frequencies to manifest incredible changes in your life

- With Biodecoding

- Hemi-Sync technology

- Contains harmonization of energy fields

- Contains unique and universal energy x2

- Contains audible and inaudible techniques


♚ Drink water to stay hydrated

♚ Don't be obsessed with seeing results

♚ Trust and have faith

♚ Visualization is powerful

♚ Listen at a comfortable volume (15% to 40%)

♚ Feeling like you already have it is the key

♚ Enjoy, Smile

♚ You can listen to it with speakers but it is better with headphones

♚ Listen to the recommended listenings according to the audio title

♚ It is not necessary to speak English

If you don't know any of the benefits words, you can search for them on Google (although it is not mandatory)

Do you wish the long version? Get it here:

If you are from Europe and do not want to pay VAT, read here:

This is its short version

This program has a duration of more than 4 minutes (version 3 listens)

You can listen to it longer if you wish

And the 1-listen version with a duration of 1 minute

If you like short audio versions, this version is for you

An additional short version of 2 listens has been added

This is a slightly less compressed version with a longer audio duration, it is similar to the 30 minute version but you will only need to listen to 21 to 22 minutes

It is a standalone audio and even though the audio seems long, it still belongs to the category of short versions

All audios uploaded to this store will have a 25% to 70% discount

Contact me if you have any questions or want other payment methods:

This subliminal program contains 4 files

- A high quality wav file Version 3 listens

- A high quality mp3 file Version 1 listen

- A high quality wav file Version 2 listens (Frequency Version)

- A high quality mp3 file Version 2 listens (Calm Version)

Subliminal program produced by Fantasy Nebulosa Studios ©

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