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Al HaTorah Val HoAvodah 5769 אוסף הגליונות "על התורה ועל העבודה" שנת תשס"ט

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Inspirational words of Torah, Faith, Happiness, to serve Hashem. Based on the weekly Torah Reading - Parsha. Stories, and insights of Great Rabbis, and Pious Jews.This will truly uplift your Shabbos table, or any occasion, as well as your daily life. In Loshon Hakodesh [Hebrew], it is a true treasure. Divrei Torah, Chizuk, Sipurei Tzadikim, a collection of at least 10 "Vertlach" on the Parsha. Words of Torah, and Chasidus catered to those who seek truth and happiness in Avodas Hashem - Serving G-D, and fulfilling His Commandments.
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