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Farmhouse Classroom Decor - Rustic wood, Burlap, Shirlap & chalkboard +500 pages

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Decorate your classroom with this Large on-trend Rustic Farmhouse Decor Set to make you classroom POP UP! This cozy decor set is made with burlap, shirlap, rustic wood and chalkboard backgrounds.


This set will make it very easy to prepare for the beginning of the year and feel more organized!


I have created this product with so much love and I hope you will like it as much as I do.


Just print, laminate, cut, and hang...


This Rustic Farmhouse Decor Set Includes:

1 - 40 Number Posters (2 designs)
Alphabet Posters (A - Z)
Alphabet Posters in cursive (Aa - Zz)
Numbers Chart (2 designs)
Alphabets Chart (2 designs)
Table Numbers (2 designs)
Calendar Display labels (2 designs)
Clock Display Templates (8 pieces to place on the 5s :00, :05, :10, :15, :20, :25, :30, :35, :40, :45, :50 and :55; Also words to hang below number signs : o'clock, quarter of, quarter after, quarter past, quarter to, quarter till, half past, on the hour)
School Supplies Labels (2 designs) : Erasers, Pencils, Sharpeners, Rulers, Scissors, Staplers, Papers, Note Books, Envelopes, Tape, Crayons, Colored pencils, Paint, Paint Brushers, Color Plates, Glue, Compass and Markers.
Binder Covers and spines
Students' Labels ( 4 designs)
Small Labels ( 4 designs)
Name Plates ( 4 designs)
Schedule Cards with analog clocks (2 designs)
Drawer labels (2 designs)
File, copy and garde labels (2 different designs and fonts)
Behavior Chart (2 designs)
Over 30 Classroom Jobs: line leader, caboose, hallway monitor, bathroom monitors, door holder, lights monitor, clipboard holder, bag carrier, new student helper, emergency assistant, attendance helper, trash collector, recycling monitor, plants waterer, materials manager, paper passer outer, uniform checker, librarian, cutting assistant, pencil sharpener, technology assistant cahir stacker, photographer, desk checker, reminder monitor, substitute, errand runner teacher's helper, zookeeper, and secretary.
Welcome Banner + empty banner
Large Growth mindset Posters
Welcome to our classroom Posters (2 designs)
10 Posters Set (Be you, Be kind, Be patient, Be brave...)
Hand Signals posters ( 2 designs + Empty posters): Pencil, water, restroom, help, tissue, ready, not ready and question.
Bulletin board numbers and letters
Number Line (0-200)
and MORE!!!




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