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Christmas Fireplace Mesh - *Catty Only*

On Sale
Sale ends in 10 days
$3.99 (45% off)
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*Furniture Mesh File.
*Zipped Folder Contains: CHKN File with instructions for quick and easy upload, Textures (As shown in picture), .XMF and .XSF Files with an easy to follow upload Instructions Txt Document.
*Set as Derivable In Your Own Catalog*.

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By purchasing these files, you automatically comply with the following rules:
*Please Use on One Account Only
*Do NOT Sell or Gift any part of these files
*You Are Encouraged to Edit, Recolor, and Modify Textures as You Wish in Order to Suit Your Style...NOT to Resell or Give Away
*You ARE Allowed to Set This Product as Derivable In Your Catalog
**For My Records, Please Add the IMVU Account Name, In Which You Intend to Use These Files, Into the PayPal Memo At Time of Purchase**.

For IMVU (@ Creator/Developer Virtual Catalog.

IMVU Clothing and Accessory - Women, Men, and Children - Texture and Mesh File Sales @

**MESH Files Can be set as Derivable**
**TEXTURE Files Can NOT be set as Derivable**

Visit My IMVU Catalog

Rhaynz @


RR: Vickyfab

You will get a ZIP (5MB) file