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100 Awesome Mandalas, Florals & Patterns: An Adult Coloring Book with Fun, Easy, and Relaxing Coloring Pages Volume 2

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I've created and published this series of adult coloring books to help you wind down, relax and take some time to yourself... and your dog.

I’ve included a variety of different types of coloring pages. You'll find full page mandalas, and round ones and some flowers and some other patterns that don't quite fit the aforementioned descriptions. A few are simple and some complex, but most somewhere in the middle.

Why such a variety? Well, I'll tell ya.

There are times when I want to put my glasses on and sharpen my pencils to a fine point and fill in teeny tiny spaces.

There are times when I want to shade and take my time and there are also times when I want to complete something. Not spend hours and hours, but to start and finish in one reasonable sitting.

And then go to bed.

If this describes you, you are in the right place.

I’ve included a color test page at the back of the book. It’s the page with all the circles. It’s intended as a place to test whatever pencils or pens you want to use.

The coloring pages are often printed blank on the back, to reduce frustration with bleed throughs or tearing, but still some mediums just won’t be good choices. I want to help you to REDUCE stress and frustration, not be the cause of it by having bleeding pages.

I suggest putting another sheet of blank paper behind the one you are working on. If you are using colored pencils, which are great for blending, I would suggest a heavier card stock to give you a bit of firmness behind the page you are coloring.

If using gel pens, either a cardstock or regular sheet should work, but again, test whatever you are going to use. This is just paper. Just regular paper. All of the coloring books in the series are the same paper.

I’m a DogMom. I hope to hear from you with pictures of you sitting on your couch or under a tree or by a stream, coloring in these books, with your dog or dogs laying peacefully beside you or romping in the leaves or the water. At least, that’s MY perfect day.

If these coloring books (there's more than this one) are part of your perfect day, I hope you leave a review with pictures. If you would like a full view of this coloring book, as well as all the others, head to my site … and click 'shop'. I will show you exactly what to expect. No surprises. Enjoy.
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