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HSK 5 下 Standard Course Complete Textbook and Workbook Exercises Solutions (Unit 3 Lessons 31 - 36)

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Dear students who are preparing the HSK 5 Chinese exam, in this book you will find the solutions of the textbook and workbook exercises : we hope to help you to study Cinese and pass HSK 5 exam!

各位正在准备HSK5汉语考试的学生,在本书中,课本相关练习参考答案练习册参考答案 (课文 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36):我们很希望对你们的学习和通过考试有所帮助!

Cari studenti che state preparando l’esame di cinese HSK5, in questo libro troverete le soluzioni degli esercizi del libro di testo e del libro degli esercizi : speriamo di esservi d’aiuto nello studio e nel superamento dell’esame!

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