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The Marathon Magic Handbook - Expert Strategies & Secrets for Success by Ultra Champion Coach Joe Ward

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My goal for creating this marathon guide is simple: I’m SUPER committed to helping you be a better marathon runner!

Having successfully completed more than 45 marathons myself in over 20 years of training, I’ve made almost all the mistakes possible when it comes to marathons!

But I’ve made the mistakes so you don’t have to!

Throughout my years of training and racing, I’ve also learned how to run a marathon successfully. Joyfully, even!

Heck, I’ve even run an average of 2.5 marathons a day, clocking up 1,000 kms when I ran from Brisbane to Sydney in just 11 days 7 hours!

Beyond my recent 2:54 PB in the Melbourne Marathon (2022), and all of my personal running training experience, I’ve also coached over 500 runners to complete their first, or greatly improve their second, fifth or tenth marathon- and then some!

Within the pages of this expert guide, I’m not just sharing how to train for a marathon.

Because YES, the training part is obviously key- but it’s honestly just the beginning.

In this Marathon Magic Handbook, we’ll also dive into essential categories of nutrition, hydration, recovery, mindset, and strength training for running!

Training for a marathon (and beyond!) is so much more than a bunch of things to tick off your list. You can transform your training into a journey that unveils not just race day revelations but also incredible insights into your own character along the way. 


Best Marathon read

"My favourite marathon book and like all runners we do read a lot about running.

Amazing tips, and ideas on how to bring it all together for marathon day. This read changed my mindset for Tokyo marathon which gave me a PB. I have read it now 3 times and each time I have something new to focus on and work on.

Highly recommend a fabulous read 🏃"

~ AD

Great guide for the first Marathon runner

"This is a great book and a great guide for anyone who is planning to run their first marathon- like i am. There is a very clear and easy to follow plan for every day’s of the week, so that you can just take one step at a time and not worry too much, and run exactly as many kilometres as the author suggests.

I slso appreciate some very cool and yet simple maths behind the marathon training, ie how many kilometres you should do per week, what time you can expect at the finish line and so on. Definitely worth reading! Some motivational lines from it I think I will remember forever:))"

~ G

 A Treasure Trove Of Gems

"I recently started moving to ebooks and loving all things running thought I’d give this a try… ended up reading the whole thing in a weekend! Easy to digest, chock full of simple principles, tips, and running wisdom. I wish I’d had a copy of this when I first started out but it still has something for everyone. A great little addition to any running collection!"

~ AR

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