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♡ Duchess

On Sale
Sale ends in 2 days
$35.00 (35% off)
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♡ First 5 buyers get a 30% discount code, join the discord to receive!


picture taken by y2kora

· ───── Features ───── · 

· 60+ Toggles.

· Custom blink animation.

 · Extremely good tracking!

 · SPS blendshapes + lewd noises. (toggleable)

 · Index fingers for quest.

Picture taken by valdis

· ───── Credits ───── · 

· Body; Head. { edit by Yuri & me. NO REUSE } Body. { edit by me NO REUSE } tattoos, nails, Braids, fluffy tail, mayu hair, braided long, curly hair, floppy cat ears, wrapped tail, curled tail, ears.

· Tops; Bra, tank ,onesie, dress, bodysuit, heart top, strapped bra

· Bottoms; skirt, lace panties, pants, bow panties

· Acc; Axolotl hat, hand lace, piercings, glasses, cat mask, hamster, corset, harness, bow, choker, paw garter, cat head, vibrator, condom pasties, stickers, bandaids, arm acc, yarn ball, pearl garter, pearl hand acc, armwarmers,

· Shoes; Bow heels, bubblegum heels, bow socks,

If i forgot anything PLS contact me via discord!

Picture taken by lovesaku

ღ · ───── Appreciation ───── · 

· THANK YOU seleste for editing the toggle showcase! mwahh ♡

· Thank you lovesaku, valdis, dwuckies, vampybunny for taking pictures. ♡

ღ · ───── Requirements ───── · 

· Uses unity 2022.3.22f1

· PLEASE have basic knowledge of unity before purchasing; if you have someone else upload it whom hasn't purchased it, THAT is leaking and against TOS! Goodluck xo 

· MUST create a project using VCC > import poi.Toon.7.3.50.To.8.1.161 > Uses SPS and VRCfury!!

picture taken by valdis

ღ · ───── Rules ───── · 

· ABSOLUTELY NO leaking.



· NO claiming my work as your own.

· You may edit it however you'd like, no editing beyond distinctable.

·NO taking ANY assets off of this avatar.


· You may not use ANY of MY EDITS for commercial OR personal use whatsoever.

· Proper information is required at checkout for your license (whether personal or commercial) to be valid.

· All of the sales are final, no refunds and if you have any problems feel free to contact me. { y2kora }

picture taken by dwuckies

You will get a UNITYPACKAGE (1GB) file