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Equinox Yoga Movement +Embodied Meditation Embodied Ritual With Delamay Devi

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You're invited to join Delamay online to experience a balancing, insightful and inspirational practice in honour of the Equinox!

"Change is inevitable. Growth is optional." ~ John Maxwell

The Equinox reminds us that we live in rhythm with nature. This seasonal rhythmic dance influences our day right through to the full cycle of the year from Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring, mother nature is constantly teaching us how to ride the waves of change with ease. Just as she effortlessly sheds her leaves and quietly extends her roots further into the earth, we have the opportunity again and again to shake off the old to welcome in the new.

Astrologically this Equinox marks the beginning of Libran season, so naturally our attention is drawn to any imbalance and disharmony between giving and receiving in our relationships. The Libran Archetype spotlights our healing journey of navigating and mastering the complexities of connection and encourages us to learn about ourselves through the mirror of the Other.

The spiritual meaning of an Equinox represents a powerful gateway of becoming, an invitation to check in, to re-evaluate, to refine, to recalibrate and to keep on rising and transforming as we embrace this change.

Regardless if you're in the northern or southern hemisphere, this gathering honours both the blossoming of Spring and the graceful cooling of Autumn.

During this Equinox Embodied Ritual Delamay will offer astrology insights, journalling prompts, a 3-part Tarot card reading, a guided movement meditation leading into a Prana Vinyasa yoga practice with self massage before gliding into a soulful relaxation while being bathed in mystic poetry.

You'll need: a journal and writing material, a candle, tarot cards (if you dont have any Delamay will offer a group reading), a smudge stick or incense for cleansing your space, massage oil and a yoga mat plus any props you like to use.

Please only do what feels good and rest when you need too :)

You will get a MP4 (1GB) file