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Planetarian - Find Your Planet and Heal Yourself [Quantum Boosted Premium Morphic Field]

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Planetarian - A person that you will become after listening to this premium field. You will be connected to the planets you align with, and they will act like a protectors and healers at the same time.

Have you ever wondered about the mysterious celestial bodies that twinkle in the night sky? Those shimmering orbs are "planets", and they hold a secrets that can benefit us in ways we could never imagine.

Planets are enormous "energy bodies" with very specific vibrations, just like our own "planet" Earth.

In this infinity, there are planets that vibrate at the same frequency as us. Imagine that, just like a musical note resonates with a specific frequency, our souls vibrate with certain celestial bodies, "planets".

These frequencies in these planets can heal any disease that is currently in our body (energetical, physical, other).

Planets are healers and teachers, since we are so disconnected from them, they couldn't even find us. These morphic fields have powerful communication properties to travel across universe and find the necessary planets, reconnect them with you.


How it works? - The smart morphic fields first work at finding your dis-eases, whether they are energetical, physical - anything, planets can heal it. Then it works to process this information about the root cause and send it to a planet with the needed frequency to heal it. After you are connected and aligned with the planet, it start to work through astral realm to heal and protect you.

Everything is synchronised, when you are connected to a new planet, a whole bunch of positive things can start to happen.

These fields also possess vibrations of Amethyst and Lapis Lazuli. I found vibrations of these crystals very effective in astral communication, protection and energy sensitivity.



this works to expand positive effects of planets:

  • vitality, confidence, self-expression, sense of purpose, emotional stability, heightened intuition, deeper connection with one's inner self, empathy, intellect, problem-solving skills, expansion, abundance, growth, optimism, creativity, artistic expression, thinking outside the box, embracing change, structure, organizational skills, innovation, change, originality, heightened appreciation of life

and block negative affect of planets:

  • excessive pride, arrogance, tendency to overlook the needs of others, ego-driven behavior, instability, moodiness, irrationality, over-sensitivity, mental restlessness, communication breakdowns, misinterpretations, overindulgence, excessive desire for material possessions, rigidity, fear of change, pessimism, unpredictability, rebellion, impulsiveness, confusion, delusion, escapism

also morphic fields that re connected with:

➤ Geophysics

➤ Geochemistry

➤ Geomagnetism

➤ Personal Gravity

➤ Orbital Force

➤ Lunar Body


Expect a deep life change and noticeable changes in your ex. chronic pain, mood episodes, motivation, thought patterns, etc.


â™ģ RESULTS MAY VARY! There are many factors which influence your results. (limiting beliefs, energy blockages, mental attachments, overstimulated system, non-suggestibility etc.) â™ģ


đŸ”Ŧ Used Technology: 🔹 Advanced Morphic Fields 🔹 Psychic Work 🔹 Vibration Aligner 🔹 Amethyst Vibrations 🔹 Lapis Lazuli Vibrations 🔹 Ethereal Connecter 🔹


ℹī¸ To optimize results, listening is recommended to 3-5 times a day. There exists no definitive upper limit, as the depths of human potential remain boundless. Wired stereo headphones are recommended, although quantum boosted version can be listened with any device.


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Customer Reviews

Alois Verley

Verified Buyer

6 months ago


Im a Starseed and really loved this audio. It felt easier to connect in my meditations.