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2024 Wheel of The Year Slow Stitching Project Stitchalong

Stitching to celebrate the festivals in the Celtic Wheel of The Year.

PLEASE NOTE: The stitchalong has been postponed. If you would like to know when it starts, please sign up for my newsletter. :-)

Join the stitchalong

Through the year we will stitch two pages for each season that will combine to make a textile book.

The finished book will have a total of twenty pages.

The project is, by its very nature, a slow stitching project.

Which means that you don't have to finish each set of pages by a particular date.

Take your time and enjoy the process.

The stitchalong is a wonderful way to celebrate the course of the year with some quiet stitching.

The motifs/templates will be released one at a time, a few days before each festival in the Celtic Wheel of The Year.

The project is intended to be a way to use up various fabric scraps so don't worry if you don't have the perfect shade to make a bluebell, for example. Improvise and use something similar and the end result will still be lovely.

Included in the stitchalong

  • Templates/motifs for two pages celebrating each season.
  • Templates for four additional pages.
  • Video tutorials* for assembling and stitching the pages.
  • Video instructions to put together a textile book using the finished pages.
  • Colour and stitch suggestions.
  • Stitch tutorials.
  • Access to a dedicated stitchalong membership area.

*Approximately 1.5 hour of video for each season. With a total of around 20 hours of video for the whole project/course.

Stitchalong Schedule

The stitchalong will start with Imbolc. This will be released a few days before February 1st, 2024.

(If you join after February 1st, 2024, the Imbolc templates will be available straight away.)

The templates will be released a few days before each of the festivals in the Wheel of The Year:

  • Imbolc - February 1st
  • Spring Equinox - March 20th
  • Beltane - May 1st
  • Summer Solstice - June 21st
  • Lughnasadh - August 1st
  • Autumn Equinox - September 23rd
  • Samhain - November 1st
  • Winter Solstice - December 22nd

Techniques used in the pages

Stitching the motifs will use a combination of machine and hand stitching. If you wish, you can do it all by hand. Or you can do it all by machine (with some hand stitching touches).

This is a project that focuses on using what we have: fabric scraps, embroidery thread stashes etc. The colours we will be using are nature inspired: greens, browns, oranges, reds, yellow with a bit of pink, purple and blue here and there.

Can I do the stitchalong as a beginner?

The stitchalong is suitable for adventurous beginners. You will need to know how to transfer a pattern/elements to fabric. Knowledge of a few embroidery stitches would also be an advantage: French knot, lazy daisy stitch, cross stitch, back stitch and running stitch. There will be no tutorials for these 'basic' stitches through the stitchalong.

There will be tutorials for more advanced stitches or techniques.

If you want to use a sewing machine you will need to know how to use it for free motion stitching.