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PrestaShop Module: Product Phytosanitary Certificate

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The Product Phytosanitary Certificate module allows sellers of succulents, cacti, and other plant-based products to comply with regulatory requirements by automatically generating phytosanitary certificates for each product sold. This certificate is essential for ensuring that plants meet health and safety standards, including traceability and origin details. The module ensures that each invoice is accompanied by the necessary documentation, making it easier for sellers to follow industry standards.

Key Features:

  • Automatic Generation of Phytosanitary Certificates: Attach a fully formatted phytosanitary certificate to each invoice, detailing critical information about the product, its origin, and traceability.
  • Certification Customization: The module allows customization of certificate content, including a phytosanitary number unique to each producer, company details, and the European flag to ensure compliance with EU regulations.
  • Traceability: Include a traceability number, which is generated by concatenating the order year and order number. This ensures that the source and journey of each plant are properly documented.
  • Customer and Product Details: Automatically populate the certificate with the customer's name, product name, reference, country of origin, and the date of purchase.
  • Phytosanitary Passport: Every certificate includes a clear label at the top of the document—Phytosanitary Passport or Plant Passport—to identify the document as official. Company details appear at the bottom of the page for transparency and further reference.


  • Regulatory Compliance: Stay compliant with local and international regulations for selling plant products. This module ensures that all required information, such as the phytosanitary number and product traceability, is provided in every order.
  • Efficient Document Management: Save time by automating the creation and attachment of certificates to every order. This minimizes manual errors and ensures that every shipment meets legal standards.
  • Customer Trust: The inclusion of a phytosanitary certificate with each order reassures customers of the quality, origin, and legal compliance of the plants they are purchasing.
  • Tailored for Plant Sellers: Specifically designed for businesses selling succulents, cacti, and other plants that require phytosanitary certification, this module streamlines the entire process from order to shipment.

How It Works:

  1. Add Phytosanitary Information: Sellers can easily input key details into the module, such as the phytosanitary number, company information, product reference, traceability number, and country of origin.
  2. Automatic Certificate Creation: When an order is placed, the module automatically generates the phytosanitary certificate and attaches it to the customer’s invoice. All required information is populated, including product name, traceability, customer name, and date.
  3. Phytosanitary Passport Label: Each certificate is clearly marked with the title Phytosanitary Passport or Plant Passport, indicating compliance with plant sale regulations. The company’s details are also included at the bottom of the certificate for easy identification.
  4. PDF Attachment: The certificate is automatically included as a PDF file along with the invoice, ensuring that the customer receives all necessary documentation.


  • PrestaShop Versions: Fully compatible with PrestaShop 1.7 and 8.
  • Browsers: Works across all major browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, and Yandex Browser.

Technical Specifications:

  • Files Included: JavaScript, PHP, CSS

The Product Phytosanitary Certificate module is an essential tool for plant sellers, ensuring regulatory compliance and streamlining the process of attaching detailed certificates to each order. By automating the generation and management of these certificates, sellers can save time, avoid errors, and provide their customers with the documentation they need for legal and quality assurance purposes.

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