Manifesting Your Ideal Life Part One: Understanding Your Power
I’ve been living my dreams all my life, but it hasn’t been easy. I grew up poor, missed my chance at college, my mom died in my early adult years, my dad checked out and I was on my own, but that didn’t stop me.
From no money, and no education, I’ve manifested successful careers as an acting and voice coach, a freelance writer, a home improvement specialist, a marketing expert, and now a bestselling author.
I’ve had cars and money given to me by strangers when I most needed it and didn’t know where it was coming from. I’ve gone from a theater school that was shutting down, to owning my own 150 seat theater in six months, and you can have similar results.
So, here’s your chance, starting right now, today. Just decide, nothing is going to stand in your way.
Through this little series of books, I’m going to share the secrets I’ve learned in over thirty years of studying and applying Law Of Attraction and success principles from all over. Starting as a kid, when my dad introduced me to some of the greats, like Napoleon Hill and Dale Carnegie right up to today.
But, I won’t stop there. I’ll make it super practical. I’ll aim it all right at you and hand you the tools you need to manifest a life so awesome, I’ll be asking you for tips! Seriously!