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Lost Dairies of Eunuch Ang Ju

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Cyril Took the books Home and Dug up all his own University knowledge history books and explained to Song he would embark on writing a book of ancient Love life and smiled we can Practice along the Ways of old China  she was quite turned on with reading his class Notes in Summation of the Eunuch. They had a Common Goal  to seek if their lives could be improved, finding out every ancient sexual pleasure of male and Female this was going to be  their quest and hoped would sell to help their Prosperity grow. She was in full agreement with her Husband, To try and seek out to Help mankind Could be spicy Fun.   

Like the universe, intercourse was viewed as a microcosm representing the union of powerful male and female forces of cosmic and natural energy, namely yin (feminine) and yang (masculine).

In complying with the strict rules regarding sexual practice, the sex act was considered preventative and energetic medicine, assisting with longevity, stamina, immune enhancement, and a positive force to a host of physical, emotional, and spiritual factors.

In ancient China, sexual practices were "learned" from the emperor, who served as a role model for virtually all males when it came to sexual practices. Even though the emperor was in a class by himself with the sheer numbers of females at his command, the average Chinese gentleman in the ancient dynasties fashioned himself after the Heavenly One, as the Emperor was referred to.

A balanced ancient Chinese male would often have intercourse with nine females in one session. He would make sure all achieved orgasm, but control his ejaculation. Ejaculation was for the express purpose of impregnation. He engaged in oral sex but would seldom have it performed on himself. He encouraged lesbianism but rejected male homosexualism. He encouraged female self-stimulation but avoided personal self-stimulation.

On the wedding night, the male would present to his bride a scroll depicting the nine primary sexual positions, but 30 positions were commonly practised, with many involving more than one female partner. Taoism dictates that man is born to lie facing downwards and woman on her back. This belief was from the observation of how humans drown: men generally face downward and women face up. This basic positioning referred to in the West as the "missionary position" has a history long before European missionaries taught (and demonstrated) the "right way" to make love.

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