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Feral Nyakoh (QUEST & PC) ♪ ♫

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This avatar is inspired by "NotAKidos" from his "feral mint" in the past. 

Want to try before you buy? <-- PUBLIC HERE


1. This avatar MAY NOT be used publicly/commercial use. Personal/private use only.

2. Please do not redistribute this avatar.

3. Do not reuse any of the assets here unless you buy them your self. (the socks were a bit edited by me in blender but "yamuvr" made them)

4. Please know a bit of unity knowledge before buying, even if you don't know ask someone for help, look at yt videos, or I can help upload it to your account. No money needed!

Just open the scene I provided to see both quest and pc versions :D

                         - -Credits - -

 (If everything isn't there it is either been removed or I can't find it)

Base Model:


Socks: YamuVR

Pacifier & Bottle:

Eye Texture

You might need to change the materials for quest side.

You will get a UNITYPACKAGE (288MB) file

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