The Ambitious Card Project by Darin Martineau
The Ambitious Card Project by Darin Martineau
Includes 15 Instructional Magic Videos & 1 ebook:
Ambitious Card moves part 1
Ambitious Card moves part 2
Ambitious Card Routine #1
Extra Ambitious Card moves
New Rise, Rise, Rise by Ed Marlo
7 Up Ambitious Card
Card in Mouth (new handling)
The 6 Senses Card Routine
The Vicious Ambitious Card # 1
The Vicious Ambitious Card # 2
The Ambitious Card Sandwich Rise
The Tremor Rise
The New Ultimate Visual Ambitious Card Routine
Includes the Bonus Book - The Ambitious Card Book by Darin Martineau
Chapter #1 – Double-Lift Substitutes & Utility Sleights
2 Faced-cards for double-backer
Illogical Double-Lift
The KM move
Koran Biddle-Grip Top Change
The Slide Top Change ( the ultra-move )
The Spread drop switch
Darin’s Switch
Double-Lift Ditch
Chapter #2 - Darin’s Ambitious Card Routine
Chapter #3 – New Bent Card Riser
Chapter #4 - Tremor Rise
Chapter #5 - Marlo’s Rise, Rise, Rise with ditch
Chapter #6 - Ambitious Card Finales:
Darin Martineau’s Signed Card in fortune cookie
Darin’s New signed card in sock switch
Chapter #7 - The Vicious Ambitious Card - 3 methods:
My Shifty Variation
My Deck Inflation method
My One-Handed Vicious Ambitious Card
Learn Revolutionary New Magic & Advanced New Techniques Now!
Darin Martineau is a Master Magician, Magic Creator, Magic Mentor with many students:
Ben Anderson- pro magician
Marc Leager
Caleb Cline (First Place Award-Winning Magician)
and many more magic students that Darin has mentored into full-time professionals.
Pro performer, author, Magic creator, and pro Magic teacher for over 40 years.
He is a Best-Selling Author of over 100 Magic books. & Creator of hundreds of Magic products!
He has a very extensive history and background of Master Magic because of growing up in Las Vegas and regularly attending Gary Darwin's Magic Club and regularly studying Magic and performing Pro Magic with many of the Greatest Master Magicians in the world!
Allan Ackerman
Lou Lancaster
Jerry Andrus
and many more...
First place I.B.M. (International Brotherhood of Magicians)
First place Award - Close-Up Magic Contest Tom Ferranti's Magic Shop La Puente, Ca
and many more Awards...
"He constantly amazes me with his ingenuity and skill. He is friendly and has a humbleness about him. Darin loves to think magic. He loves the mental challenge of a problem and he enjoys
the glory of coming up with a good solution."
- Allan Ackerman - World Class Card Magician
Jean-Pierre Vallarino - FISM Champion
"I have got Magic Consulting from Darin Martineau, he is a good magician"
Morgan Strebler
"Darin has some of the most advanced magic I have ever seen"
Tyas Frantz (the manager of Banachek)
"Darin is the ghost in the magic machine. His Magic is used by many pro magicians.
Magician Shin Lim does Darin's Eclipse Color Change. With over 40 years in Magic he is a consummate pro in his creation of incredible effects"
- Brian Smedley Magician - Myriad Creative Entertainment
Copyright (c) 2025 - Darin Martineau - All Rights Reserved