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Vedic Missionary Training - Diploma Program

September 1, 2023 – July 31, 2024 - On-Site Class

Created and Directed by Satish Prakash, PhD, Vyakaranacharya Director of Gurukula Studies


MDG announces a 1-year scholarship program for anyone interested in pursuing a diploma course in Vedic Studies at Maharshi Dayananda Gurukula in Ocean View, Uitvlugt, Guyana. This program runs for 40 weeks.

In this Diploma on Vedic Studies, students will pursue four separate university-level courses as follows:

  1. Vedic Philosophy (PH 101)
  2. Vedic Psychology (PH 101)
  3. Applied Sanskrit (AS 101)
  4. Applied Hindi (HN 101)

The scholarship covers boarding, lodging, textbooks, and the delivery of a curriculum designed (and subject to further editing) as follows:

Vedic Philosophy: PH 101

Course Objectives

  • Know about Western Philosophy – Important names of Western philosophers and their principal philosophical theses.
  • Know that much before Philosophy as a science was born in the West, there was Philosophy in India.
  • Know that the seed of Philosophy in India was first found in the Vedas and that that seed grew and sprouted in later books, principally the Upanishads.
  • Know that the seed of Philosophy not only sprouted but fructified in the form of six principal texts – Yoga-Sankhya, Nyaya-Vaisheshika, Mimansa-Vedanta – known as the six schools of Vedic Philosophy.
  • Know that these six schools of Vedic Philosophy were codified as a response to cold criticisms that were put forward by the non-Vedic schools known as Charvak, Buddhist, and Jain.
  • Study the principal ideas found in these six Vedic schools and establish their inherent unanimity as far as the final goal of humanity is concerned.


Vedic Psychology: PY 101

Course Objectives

  • Know that Psychology, both Vedic and Western, is the study of the mind and human behavior.
  • Know that, in addition to the mind, Psychology includes the study of feelings, thoughts, and emotions.
  • Know that Vedic Psychology, as taught in the Yoga Darshana, recognizes that pain exists, that pain has a cause, that pain has a remedy, and that the remedy for pain has a definitive means.
  • Know the five different states of the mind as explained in the Yoga Darshana.
  • Know the importance of eight limbs of Yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) in helping a human being to overcome his pain and agony.
  • That there is a simpler method to overcome pain, and it is called Kriya Yoga.
  • That, on overcoming the cause of pain, a Yoga practitioner becomes absorbed in the Bliss of God.


Applied Sanskrit: AS 101

Course Objectives

  • Read and write the Devanagari Script.
  • Know and practice the proper pronunciation of Sanskrit.
  • Understand and apply the Sandhi rules with vowels and Visarga.
  • Work with Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter nouns.
  • Conjugate in the present tense.
  • Translate simple to complex sentences from Sanskrit to English and English to Sanskrit.


Applied Hindi: HN 101

Course Objectives

  • Read and write the Devanagari Script.
  • Identify Vowels, Consonants, and Conjunct Consonants.
  • Know and practice the proper pronunciation of Hindi.
  • Work with Masculine and Feminine nouns.
  • Conjugate verbs in the present tense.
  • Translate simple to complex sentences from Hindi to English and English to Hindi.

For more details regarding enrolment, please WhatsApp Dr Satish Prakash at +1 917 680 2948 or email him at

Alternatively, we encourage you to register on this web page free of cost.


Instructed by Our Director

This diploma program has been created and is directed by Satish Prakash, PhD, Vyakaranacharya Director of Gurukula Studies, who has dedicated his life's work to cultural studies and is one of the foremost exponent of Vedic works globally.

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