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Self-love is a vital component of spiritual growth and the path to wholeness. When we truly love ourselves, we connect with the divine within us and embrace our true nature as spiritual beings. Self-love is about accepting ourselves exactly as we are.

It's about recognizing our innate worth and value as human beings and treating ourselves with compassion, kindness, and respect.

➤ This mix of Morphic Fields is energetically programmed fight off negative limiting beliefs about self-love while simultaneously replacing them by installing more than 1000 empowering beliefs about self-love into subconscious mind. This formula also charges your whole auric field with vibrations of divine love.

➤ By listening this you'll begin to notice a shift in your thoughts and beliefs. Negative self-talk and self-criticism will begin to fade away, replaced by empowering beliefs about your worth, value, and inherent beauty as a human being. You'll be able to connect more deeply with others, pursue your goals with greater confidence and clarity, and live a more joyful and fulfilling life.

Some of the examples of empowering beliefs about confidece are:

• I love and accept myself unconditionally.

• I am worthy of love and respect, just as I am.

• I am enough, exactly as I am in this moment.

• I always trust and honor myself.

• I choose to focus on my positive qualities.

• I forgive myself for past mistakes and embrace new beginnings.

• I am grateful for myself.

• I radiate love and positivity, and attract the same energy in return.

• I vibrate at frequency of divine love.

Now imagine that this formula will install more than 1000 beliefs like this into your subconscious permanently.

You will get a WAV (41MB) file

Customer Reviews


Verified Buyer

1 month ago

I love it - I'm getting there!

I don't like the music - but it is ok otherwise!

K Murray

Verified Buyer

9 months ago


Works really well and starting to feel a real difference in how I feel about myself. Looking forward to seeing how things develop over time. Highly recommended.