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Orthodox Apologetic Theology by Ivan M. Andreyev

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Table of Contents

1. A short historical review of Apologetic works. 

2. The nature of religion. 

3. The causes and consequences of the atheism. 

4. Religion and Morality. 

5. Religion and Science. 

6. Religion and art. 

7. The origin of religion. 

8. The existence of God. 

8.1. Objections. 

8.2. Proofs of the existence of God. 

8.2.1. Cosmological Proof

8.2.2. Teleological Proof

8.2.3. Ontological Proof

8.2.4. Ethical Proof. 

9. The Immortality of the Soul

9.1. Renewed interest in this subject10. Natural religions. 

10.1. Different belief systems

10.2. The Natural Cause Belief. 

10.3. Buddhism. 

10.4. Hinduism. 

10.5. New Age

10.6. The Muslim Religion

10.7. Judaism. 

11. Revelation. 

12. Miracles and Prophecies

13. Old Testament religion

14. The harmony of the two revelations. 

15. The biblical teaching on creation. 

15.1. God and Genesis

15.2. A Brief History

15.3. Understanding Genesis. 

15.4. Scriptural evidence for long “days

15.5. Reconciling some Creation / Evolution Questions. 

15.6. What the Bible Says About Evolution. 

15.7. The Creation of Man

15.8. The physical evidence — in agreement with scripture. 

15.9. Observed speciation. 

15.10. Biblical Limitations

15.11. The idea of progressive creationism. 

15.12. Limits and the flesh of life

15.13. Extinct Humans. 

15.14. The “Rare Earth.” 

15.15. Orthodoxy and Evolution

15.16. Body and Spirit. 

16. On the unity of mankind

16.1. New findings in Genetics. 

16.2. Conclusion. 

17. The origin of evil

17.1. On the primary state of man. 

17.2. Primordial Sin

17.3. The question of creature mortality. 

18. The question of good and the evil

18.1. Moral good and moral evil. 

18.2. Physical good and physical evil

18.3. Absolute and relative evil

18.4. Moral from the perspective of God and eternity

19. The universal flood

19.1. Geographical extent of the Flood

19.2. Evidence of the Flood

19.3. The Ark ’s resting place. 

19.4. Significance of the Flood

20. Biblical teaching on redemption

21. The ethics of Old Testament religion

21.1. The teaching of the Old Testament on life after death.

22. The foundation of Christianity. 

23. The personality and character of Christ

24. The essence of Christianity

25. The Providence of God. 

26. Conclusion. 

27. Appendix I

27.1. Archaeology and the Old Testament

27.2. Our Savior as an Ideal of Perfection

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