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The Act Of Priesthood

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Priesthood has been the most neglected central teaching in the twenty first Century Church. It is one thing to say that we are a “chosen race,” a “holy nation,” a “royal priesthood,” and an “ambassador of Christ.” Yet it is another thing altogether to have our identities shaped by these truths so that we act accordingly. If we recover the notion of the “priesthood of all believers” we will pray more boldly, offer up spiritual sacrifices regularly, and realize our unique privilege in Christ. If we recover our identities as fulltime followers of Christ, regardless of where we work, we will be willing to prophetically confront the problems in the Church and in the world. We will be able to live our faith both through our direct participation in the Church, through our professions, and through our engagement in work and society. We will be agents of reconciliation, ambassadors, and mediators; in other words, we will be “priests” in our society. 

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