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School Memberships

The school membership subscriptions enable all teachers at a school to access all our materials through their own copies of the Teachers' Classroom App. They can install the app on both their mobile device and the desktop of their computer.

This includes unlimited free access to all student workbook apps for all of their students.
Select a membership level below to get started

School membership - 50 Teachers

per year
Give up to 50 teachers access to their own copy of our Teachers' Classroom App and all the materials we publish.

We can also offer training and support.

School membership - Custom app

per year
Give up to 50 teachers access to their own copy of your own customised version of Teachers' Classroom App and all the materials and updates we publish.

The customised version can include your logo and brand colouring, as well as links to other resources your teachers use regularly.  This can transform the app into your own teacher support and development hub.

We can also offer training and support.