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Summary of the book (Trade is a war.. the West's war on the world)

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Is the war between Russia and Ukraine a war whose objectives are trade? Can the goal of war be a commercial goal only? What are WTO weapons?
You will find the answers to the previous questions in the Summary of the book (Trade is a war.. the West's war on the world)
Author : Yash Tandon
About the book:
In this book, the author analyzes one of the main weapons used by Western powers to exploit peoples and this weapon is "international trade", and also examines the struggle of the countries of the South, and their resistance on various aspects of international trade, for example: we find that the European Union's method of negotiating with these countries amounts to blackmail, you have to sign agreements that achieve their goals or else they will stop the economic aid you receive from them! With his analytical and negotiating genius along with his ability to persuade, Iyash Tandon has been able to counter much pressure, exposing the blackmail of countries by the European Union and America, so this book is a guide to fighting and fighting against the brutal regime that dominates the world these days.
To whom is this book:
For those looking to find out what weapons the West uses to subjugate the countries of the South.
For those interested in knowing how the countries of the South are subjugated by the World Trade Organization.
For those wishing to follow the ongoing trade war between the West and the rest of the world.
For those seeking to understand the impact of the West's invention of the IP system in hindering the development of developing countries.

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