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How To Resist The Devil And His Demons

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I talk about the devil being real because he is real. According to the Word of God, and according to experiences I've had that are too numerous to tell in this small book, I want to assure you today that the devil is very much alive. He not only exists but he has the ability to influence and deceive all human beings who choose to follow him. He has great power, although it is but a fraction of the power belonging to God. Many people seem to think of the devil as almost a cartoon-character idea of a man dressed in a red suit with a long pointed tail holding a pitchfork— which is not true. The devil is not a cartoon character. He is real. His talk is a lie ... his tune is always the same rebellious one against God ... his purpose is always the same (death and destruction) ... and his power is but an illusion of the real power of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, the devil's very purpose is to try to exert great influence ... always ending in something negative or destructive ... over human beings. He stalks the earth as a lion (notice, he is not a lion, he just tries to act like one), seeking whom he may devour. He oppresses ... depresses ... impresses people to perform evil acts ... and in some cases, possesses people completely so that their wills are subjected totally to the devil. While we who place our trust in Jesus Christ have no reason to fear the devil, we must always be aware that the devil exists and he is our number-one enemy every day that we live on this earth. I do not want to "scare" you in talking about the devil and his demons, but I want you to be forewarned and forearmed against them. In the following pages, you'll find some of the questions that people ask me the most frequently about the devil and his demons, and my answers based on the Word of God, the Holy Bible. 

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