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Minecraft Party Printables

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If you are a mom, chances are you know what Minecraft is. And if you know what Minecraft is, chances are you have been asked to throw a Minecraft birthday party. Here are the printables needed for a DIY Minecraft party and the directions for it!'s super easy!

For my son’s birthday party in the past, we did an all-out Minecraft themed birthday party  – and it was a huge success!! From the invitations to decorations to the food, it was Minecraft all the way down to the font used! Here are lots of photos of his party with links to the decorations used.

Of course, there has to be papercraft. It took me two days working on the papercraft. Only the easy and medium levels were attempted, and I made sure to use toothpicks and tweezers to help me. I printed all the templates from:
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Brandi Clevinger, Being Fibro Mom

Hey, y'all! I’m Brandi, the chaos director of our home and mom to four amazing kiddos. I've lived with fibromyalgia since 2006 and was diagnosed in 2012. I created Being Fibro Mom as a way to help other fibromyalgia warriors and to connect with other parents/caregivers living with fibromyalgia. I’ve met some pretty amazing fibro parents along the way, and unintentionally became a voice and advocate of the fibromyalgia community along with many others. It’s been an incredible journey!