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Halloween Special

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Greetings, boils, ghouls, and horrors that know no gender!

It is I, that old vagabond of vastness, Bobo the Hobo, here with four terrible tales of tonnage meant to tease and terrify those with an especially rich taste in physiques!

First we have the Fat Friend Apparition - a curious cryptid that has the ability to appear as anyone in the world, so long as it gets its victims' guard down. Slowly it lulls you into a false sense of security, "have another cookie", "you deserve a special treat", "you're hardly any bigger than I am!" until its victims are all plump and juicy. Follow the research notes of a lab team observing it in captivity to... middling results!

Next, we have It's Not 1995 Anymore - a tale of Geocities long gone, wherein we see what happens when characters play their tropes a little too straight. Comic Sans and poor formatting lie in wait for you reader, as you get a glimpse at what Big Fat Stories used to look like in that lawless time of the early 00's...

And lastly, we have Weight Witch! The story of a woman who learns that, thanks to her not-so-humble heritage, she can eat and eat and eat all she wants - and make anyone else pay the price...

All this, plus a special 1000-word short story, can be yours for a measly $3.00! That's over 20,000 words!

My stories might be scary, dear readers, but my prices most definitely are not! BWAHAHAHAHA!!
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