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Koine Greek for Levantines: A Book for the Rûm to Learn Koine Greek

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This is the first book to help Levantines learn Koine Greek.


In addition to the introduction on why Levantine Greek Orthodox/Catholic should learn the original language of the faith (Koine Greek), the book has four chapters, on average five prayers per chapter. Each prayer is in Greek & Arabic with English transliteration and a Greek-Arabic dictionary. 

For those who don't know neither Greek nor Arabic, don't worry, the last chapter "Notes & References", has English translations and dictionaries that can help you understand the prayers.


For those who can't afford the book or live in a country like Syria/Lebanon where online transactions are not allowed, you can download the book for free using the following promo code:  Constantinople

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Hopefully, you enjoy it and it would be up to your standards.

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